J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 745
member thereof, and shall, under the direction and with the approval
of the Board, be charged with the general organization, administra-
tion and supervision, of the programs of public recreation contem-
plated and provided for by this Act. The Director's term of office
shall be for one year but he shall be subject to reappointment by the
Board. He shall be a person of such training experience and capacity
as will especially qualify him to discharge the duties of the office. He
shall possess those qualifications of education, training, and experi-
ence which will assure a thorough knowledge of current theory and
practice in public recreation and give promise of the administrative
ability to initiate and maintain a program within the jurisdiction and
under the direction of the Board.
(a) The Board is authorized and empowered to consider and de-
termine all questions of general policy relating to public Recreation
and Parks for Dorchester County, and shall supervise and direct
expenditure of all appropriations and funds made available to the
Board from whatever source. The Board shall have power to appoint
from time to time such Advisory Committee or Panels as it may see
fit in the furtherance of its powers and functions herein granted.
(b) The Board shall have power and authority to initiate, adopt,
direct or cause to be conducted or directed under its supervision a
comprehensive program of public recreation in schools, parks or
other lands or buildings, either publicly or privately owned, or other
acceptable recreational facilities made available to the Board for such
purposes by the County Commissioners of Dorchester County or by
any other person, corporation or agency having jurisdiction over
such facilities. The Board is further authorized to develop, equip,
operate and maintain and issue permits for use of any of the facilities
made available to and accepted by the Board for such purposes by
the County Commissioners of Dorchester County, or by any person,
corporation or agency having jurisdiction over such facilities, and
the County Commissioners of Dorchester County may transfer to
the Board created hereunder, functions now performed by other or-
ganizations which may be properly performable by the Board. The
control of any land, buildings or other acceptable facilities made
available to the Board shall be in accord with agreements reached
between the Board and the person, corporation or agency having
jurisdiction over such properties.
(c) No power or authority conferred by this Act shall be con-
strued to abridge or limit the power of the County Commissioners of
Dorchester County or of any governmental agency or of any person
or corporation to refuse to permit or to limit the use of any ground,
building, or facility under their individual or collective control, for
recreational purposes. For the purpose of carrying on its functions,
the Board may act directly or through a duly designated agent,
agents or agencies.
The Board may, within the limits of funds appropriated to it for
this purpose by the County Commissioners of Dorchester County,
employ such personnel, in addition to the Director of Recreation and
Parks as the Board may consider necessary to administer its func-