Bailey Thos. ship carpenter, Washington st s of Wilk
Bailey Henry, pilot, Gough st w of Wolf
Bailey capt Edward, Market st near Wilk
Bailey Geo. e side Sharp st 1 door n of Lombard
Bailon Pasqual, carpenter, corner Eden st arid Union alley
Baily mrs Sarah, Charles st n of Hamburg
Baily Patrick, blacksmith, w side Front st n of Hillen
Bain Michael, shoemaker, Raborg st w of Poppleton
Bain Dr. J. apothecary, corner Gay and East sts
Bain Wm. gardener, Chestnut alley w of Pearl st
Bain Mary A. mantua maker, Salishury st e of Lloyd
pain Charles, ropemaker, intersection Harf av and Ensor st
Bainer Mary, proprietor of cedar coopery, Gay st e of Front
Baird E. Thompson, principal primary department High School
of Baltimore, w side Gay st s of Baltimore
paird Thos. D. principal mathematical department High School
of Baltimore, w side Gay st s of Baltimore
Baitzel Jacob, firm Jacobs & Baitzel, dw Columbia st
Baitzel George, carter, Cove st s of Paca
Baker Wm. Geo. attorney at law, 20 St Paul st dw cor L Sharp
and Fayette sts
Baker Henry, Sterling st s of Madison
Baker Dr. Edward, n w corner Conway and Charles sts
Baker mrs Charlotte, X alley s of Lee st
Baker Wm. glass factory, Hughes st w of the basin
Baker James, furniture car driver, Howard st n of Hill
Baker Henry, labourer, Lancaster st w of Bond
Baker Michael, carpenter, Fleet st w of Caroline
Baker Henry, carpenter, Wilk st e of Bond
Baker Wm firm Conway & Baker, dw Pratt e of Canal
Baker David, bark mill, Dinran's wf. dw Lombard st w of Exeter
Baker Gideon, nightman, 110 Wolfe st
Baker Peter, blacksmith, cor e side Light st and Armistead lane
Baker August, tailor, s w corner Water and Grant sts
Baker & Connolly, steam stone cutters, s of Penitentiary
Baker Robert, Raborg st e of Pine
Baker Mrs. boarding house, Fayette st betw Charles and St Paul
Baker Joseph, victualler. Saratoga st w of Paca
Baker George, shoemaker, e side Potter st n of Hillen
Baker mrs Sarah. 81 Harrison st
Baker Sarah J. Wilk st e of Caroline
Baker Wm. proprietor Baltimore glass warehouse and works, S
n Liberty st. dw Liberty road
Baker Margaret, Gough st s of Stiles
Baker R. J. drug, dye stuffs, and paint merchant, n e corner
Howard and Fayette sts
Baker Hon. William, judge of Orphan's court, in Record office,
dw Reisterstown road
Paker & Orme, 108 n Howard st
Baker John H. of above firm, dw Mulberry st 1 door e of Greene
Baker John, shoemaker. Fell st near Wolfe