Ault Sam. shoe finder, s e corner Calvert and Water sts. dw cor-
ner Aisquith and Monument sts
Ault Jacob, piano forte maker, e side York av near Monument st
Ault Mrs. milliner, e side York av near Monument st
Auole Wm. mariner, Wilk st w of Eden
Ausole Rachel, grocer, s w corner Forest and Monument sts
Austan Thos. carter, Mullikin st n e of Fairmount fington st
Austen Geo. firm Hiss & Austen, dw 5 Pascault's row, w Lex-
Austen Wm. tavern, corner Wolf and Lancaster sts
Austin Wm. tavern, Wilk st w of Caroline
Austin A. H. tinner, 46 n Eutaw st
Austin Edward, biscuit baker, Granby st w of Canal
Avering Benhardt, carter, Strawbery alley n of Alice Anna st
Ayd Joseph, carpenter, s side Hull's lane e of Forest st
Aydelott Peter, carpenter, corner Montgomery and William sts
Avers Elizabeth, 9 Market street, County whf
Ayres Jacob & Son, grocers, 24 Cheapside, dw Paca st at bend
Ayres James, labourer. Fleet et e of Market
Ayres capt Samuel, corner Happy alley and Fleet st
Ayres James H. rigger, e side Ann st s of Alice Anna
Ayres Mrs. boarding house, Liberty st 2 doors s of German
Ayres L carpenter, n side German st e of Howard, dw cornei
German and Liberty sts
BABB John D. baker, 66 Charles st. dw Chas. s of Balderston
Babcock J. printer, East st n of Pitt
Bahcock J. K. ladies' shoe store, 171 Hanover st
Baburiza N. confectioner and fruit dealer, 1 n Charles st. dw Pratt
Briburiza L. confectioner and fruiterer, cor Pratt st and w Fails av
Bachmann G. H. barber and hair dresser, Gay st e of the bridge
Backlog Henry, box maker, Howard st s of Cider alley
Backus Rev. John C. pastor of the 1st Presbyterian Church
North st adjoining the Church
Buckus Lewis, dw 7 Hull's lane 4 doors from Aisquith st
Bacon James, grocer, Penn avenue near Biddle st
Badgers Joseph, shoemaker, w side Charles st opp Depot
Baer John, carpenter, York st e of Howard
Baer Dr. M. S. n side Lombard st S doors e of Sharp
Bagnall Mary, Pleasant st 1 door e of Holliday
Bagwell James, paper hanger, corner Ann and Bank sts
Bailey Oswald, carpenter, New st w of Eutaw
Bailey Dr. s side Lombard st 5 doors w of Charles
Bailey H. J. carpenter, New st w of Eutaw
Bailey E. T. boarding house, 3 Water st opp Cheapside
Bailey A. painter, New st w of Eutaw
Bailey Ferdinand, painter, Black al w of Union st s of Ross
Bailey John, carpenter, Eden st s of Union alley
Bailey George, wheelwright, w side Gay st 2 doors n of Madison
Bailey Elijah, tavern keeper, corner Eutaw and Ostend sts
Bailey Thomas, shipwright, Fleet st e of Aon
Bailey Wm. shipwright, Wilk st w of Ann