Baker Francis, dw corner Courtland and Mulberry sts
Baker John, watchman, Poppleton st n of Raborg
Baker James, boot maker, Rock st s of Saratoga
Baker John S. dw over 222 Baltimore st
Baker Wm. chair maker, Monument st w of Forest
Baker capt George C. Thames st w of Bond
Baker Providence, w side Front st s of Bath
Baker miss Mary, Conway st e of Sharp
Baker John, e side Eutaw st n of Franklin
Baker Margaret, w side Spring st s of Pratt
Baker Frederick, baker, n e corner Paca and Marion sts
Baker mrs Geo. s e corner Gay and Monument sts
Baker mrs Mary, Gay st near Monument
Baker Charles, grocer, n w corner Ensor and Potter sts
Baks Rebecca, nurse, e side Constitution st s of Monument
Balantine Catherine, dry goods store, East st n of Pitt
Balbirnie Geo. silk dyer and scourer, 4 Front st s of Baltimore
Bald J. M. locksmith, Penn av near Union st
Baldener John, wheelwright, York st e of Charles
Balderston John P. hardware merchant, 19 1/2 n Howard st
Balderston Wm. H. druggist, s e corner Howard and Franklin
sts. dw 49 Sharp
Balderston Hugh & Son, wire workers, 12 s Calvert 8t
Balderston Hugh, dw n side Lombard st 4 doors e of Sharp
Balderston Wilson, wire weaver, 9 Light st wf. dw 87 Sharp
Balderston Eli, confectioner, 48 w Pratt st
Baldwin Henry, machinist, Canal st s of Gay
Baldwin John F. segar maker, n side Gay st e of the bridge
Baldwin Robert, carter, Perry st w of Charles
Baldwin capt Pearson, 12 Block st
Baldwin Abraham, grocer, corner Lombard st and Apple alley
Balkime Philip, labourer, Armistead lane w of William st
Ball Jacob, painter and glazier, Fayette st e of St Paul, dw Sar-
atoga st 3d door e of Greene
Ball Rev. Wm. W. teacher, w side Eutaw st near Madison
Ball Wm. b. Sheriff Balt. Co. office Court house, dw Mulberry
st e of Paca
Bail David, morocco dresser, 22 Harrison st. dw 88 Pitt
Ball R. H. female classical seminary, Charles st e of Franklin
Ball Wm. jr. superintendent streets, Carpenter's al w of Paca
Ball John W. firm Ricards & Co. dw Hanover st
Ball John, labourer, L Hughes st w of Light
Ball James, shoemaker, 18 Pitt st
Ball John, shoemaker, Canal st n of Jefferson
Balla & Smith, furniture store, 41 n Howard st dw Marion
Ballard Edwd. J. firm Ready, Ballard & Co. dw 6 New Church st
Ballard Edward, w side Canal st n of Salisbury
Ballard Mrs. 49 Centre Market space
Baltauf Augustus, morocco dresser, 74 Harrison st
Ballenger Samuel, carpenter, Raborg st e of Pine
Balster C. seaman, boarding house and tavern, 44 Fell st