AN ACT to empower the Frederick and Pennsyl-
vania Line Rail Road Company to lease" its road.
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly of
Empowered to
Maryland, That the Frederick and Pennsylvania
Line Rail Road Company be, and it is hereby author-
ized and empowered to lease for such term or terms
of years, as its President and Directors may deem
advisable, the road of said company, its rights, priv-
ileges and franchises, and all its property, to such
person or persons, body or bodies corporate, either
residents of this State or doing business therein, or
non-residents of this State, or not doing business
therein, as the said President or Directors may con-
tract with upon such terms, and for such sum or
sums of money as the said President and Directors
may regard most advantageous ; provided, never-
theless, the stockholders holding the majority of
stock of said company, assent to said road being
leased; and, provided, such assent be first procured
at a general meeting of said stockholders, to be held
at such place as the President and Directors may
prescribe, after giving not less than thirty days pub-
lic notice of the time, place and object of such meet-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if at such gen-
eral meeting of said stockholders of said compa-
Majority of
stock to assent
ny, the stockholders holding the majority of stock
assent to the said road being leased, the said Presi-
dent and Directors shall have, and are hereby in-
vested with full power and authority to make, or
cause to be made, such indentures, leases or instru-
ments of writing, as may from time to time be
necessary to transfer and convey to the lessee of said
company absolutely, or for a limited period of time,
all the rights, franchises, privileges, property and
appurtenances acquired, owned or belonging to the
said Frederick and Pennsylvania Line Rail Road
Company, under and by virtue of its original act of
incorporation, and the amendments thereof; save
and except the rights, privileges, franchises and
powers conferred upon it by the act of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed January session,