Profile of Volunteer:
Gil Hennegar

Gil Hennegar has been a dedicated volunteer at Hampton NHS since 1990. Beginning as a dynamic interpretive guide, Gil has become indispensable to both Visitor Services and Museum Services. His most recent endeavor, apart from invaluable regular days as a docent, has been the completion of a finding aid for the museum research files. This comprehensive project has taken more than two years, and has produced a computerized data base which locates available reference file information on a variety of topics related to Hampton. The system, designed by Gil (who learned new skills in mastering WordPerfect 5.1 and preparing search characteristics), includes nine major topic areas. These are: Architecture/ Construction; Biographical/Genealogical; Conservation/ Preservation/Security; Furnishings and Decorative Arts; Gardens/Horticulture; History; Home Economics; Social History; and Personal Effects. The system has proved invaluable for many staff projects. Gil's impressive intellect and insatiable thirst for additional knowledge is matched only by his dedication to Hampton's interest and his enthusiasm and good humor in the midst of the heavy workload we impose. Gil's other hobbies - architecture and world travel - have also benefitted his colleagues at Hampton; we live vicariously through books and articles he shares, and through his postcards from exotic destinations. We would rather travel in his suitcase!

Lynne Dakin Hastings

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Ed Papenfuse
State Archivist
Maryland State Archives
350 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, Maryland 21401



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