Secretary of Juvenile Justice, 1989-91
Director, Juvenile Services Agency, 1987-89.
Secretary of Juvenile Justice, 1989 to January 1991. Resigned January 1991. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 1989-91; Governor's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission, 1989-91.
Member, State Advisory Council on Drug Abuse, 1987-88; Subcabinet for Children and Youth, 1987-90; Advisory Council, State Clearinghouse for Children, 1987-91; Education Coordinating Council for State Hospital Centers and Juvenile Institutions, 1987-91; Governor's Advisory Board for Justice Assistance, 1987-91; Maryland Juvenile Justice Advisory Council, 1987-91; State Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 1988-91; State Board of Victim Services, 1988-91; Commission for Students at Risk. 1989-90; Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families, 1990-91.
Coordinator, Residential Services Unit, Rhode Island Department of Corrections, 1974-76.
Director, Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families, 1983-85, 1991-95.
Deputy Commissioner, Texas Youth Commission, 1985-87.
Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Children and Families, March 1995 to August 6, 1997, 2005.
Member, Rhode Island Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2014-15.
Born in Rhode Island, 1946. College of Human Science and Services, University of Rhode Island, B.S. (child development), 1969; Boston University, M.S.W., 1974; Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, strategic management studies, 1978. R. J. R. Nabisco Fellow, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 1990. Marketing and public relations executive, Public Consulting Group, Boston, 2002-14. President, Aurora Civic Association, 2010 (past vice-president). Board of Directors, Cal Ripken, Sr., Foundation, 2011-. Chair, Board of Directors, Tides Family Services, 2013- (member, 2006-; past vice-chair). Of Counsel, Advocacy Solutions, 2015-. Board of Directors, Beacon Mutual Insurance Company, 2015-. Adjunct faculty, Roger Williams University. Member, Judge Angelo G. Rossi Scholarship Committee, Boston University Law School, 1986-. E. R. Case Correctional Achievement Award, American Correctional Association, 1988. Verrazzano Day Award, Rhode Island Order Sons of Italy and Rhode Island Italian-American War Veterans, 1992. Dean's Award, College of Human Science and Services, University of Rhode Island, 2009. Woman of the Year Award, Rhode Island Women's Guild. Outstanding Achievement Award, National Council on Crime and Delinquency.
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