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MSA SE16-1

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(Historic Sites Survey) var.d.
MSA SE16-1

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NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service Hampstead School (CARR-1267) National Register of Historic Places _ ^ .. «. _. « Name of Property Continuation Sheet Carroll Countv, MD Section 8 Page 5 County and State In 1951, Black & Decker opened a plant near Hampstead which quickly became the largest of the firm's worldwide subsidiaries.43 The plant created an influx of population that quickly overwhelmed the existing twelve-grade school. The last senior high school class graduated from the Hampstead School in 1956.M The next fall, North Carroll Senior High School opened.45 Hampstead School continued serving grades 1 through 8 until 1961, when the North Carroll High School was enlarged to accommodate grades 5 through 8.46 Hampstead School then operated as an elementary school for kindergarten through 4th grade.47 Open-plan classroom additions were added to the rear of the school in 1968 and 1972.48 When a new elementary school opened nearby in 1986, the Hampstead School closed.49 While the 1919 main block and 1939 addition remained vacant, the 1968 and 1972 additions were remodeled to accommodate a family resource center during the 1990s. Architectural Typology: The Hampstead School is a good example of a typical rural, consolidated school of the early 20th century. In contrast to architect-designed buildings found in cities, it employs a more vernacular design vocabulary. This design vocabulary, widely used by architects, builders and contractors alike, identifies the building as an early 20th century school. In its siting, the Hampstead School occupies a large lot in a prominent location along the Hampstead's Main Street. The building is set back from the street with a landscaped lawn in front. This siting reflects the increased pride in and attention to educational buildings during the early 20th century, brought on in part by the enhanced stature of education under new School Laws. The Hampstead School building uses a vocabulary typical of schools of this time period. The large grouped windows, high ceilings, and spacious rooms reflect the era's obsession with light, air and other sanitary concerns. The axial plan and symmetry popularized by Beaux Arts designs not only gave the building a monumental appearance, but also 43 Historical Society of Carroll County, 36. 44 Prall, Hampstead, Its Heart and History, 7; Miller, 4. 45 Prall, Hampstead, Its Heart and History, 7. 46 Prall, Hampstead, Its Heart and Historv, 7; Miller, 5. 47 Miller, 5. 48 Miller, 5. 49 Prall, Hampstead, Its Heart and History, 1.