Hall of Records Commission Meeting
Call to Order by the Chairman
Attendees and Introduction of Special Guests
Constitutional Conventions: April 28, 1788 Ratifying Convention, and November 2010 Referendum (SB 26, 2010 session passed), asking the sense of the people
Friday, Jan 8 2010 — Source: The Baltimore Sun
This November, Marylanders will have a once-in-a-generation chance to shake up the political process. Yet few know about it, and even fewer are talking about it. Maryland’s Constitution stipulates that, every 20 years, the General Assembly must place on the general election ballot a binding referendum asking voters whether they want to convene a constitutional convention. If it passes, it could be the most politically momentous event in Maryland during 2010.
See: Guide to the Records of the Constitutional Convention of 1968 and the records of the Convention
April 28,
Special Meetings and Celebratory Events
June 14, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse, Elaine Bachmann, and Mimi Calver attended the unveiling of the new John Shaw flag in the State House
Proposed Action: motion of approval of Records Retention and Disposal Schedules as presented.
Old Business
the Maryland State Archivist's blog
for reflections on the mission of the Maryland State Archives, and
the Staff Activities
since last Hall of Records Commission meeting for details of
staff activities and the calendar of Education and Outreach
activities below)
The state of our finances and prospects for the immediate and long term: Sustainability?
Report on the activities of the Friends of the Maryland State Archives
update on the value of Washington's Resignation Speech (cost of Friend's gift to the State: $1.6 million): a more recent sale
Birney Papers
Leonard Calvert portraits
Deeds to Whitehall
Stephen Clark lending library item
fundraising for State House Restoration and Exhibits-Seeking a Save America' s Treasures Grant
Proposed Action by the Commission: Resolution of appreciation and acceptance of the gifts, and support for the fund raising efforts of the Friends
The state of our storage, public interpretation spaces, current and future plans
Principal new Public Outreach
Preserving and Interpreting the State House (see attached)
Educational and Conservation Outreach:
Summer 2010 Internship Program and the tribute to Willam Spawn
Major legislative initiatives/involvement
Highlights of recent appraisals/accessions
Efforts to improve the transfer of index information stored electronically along with paper records
The struggle to find written opinions
improving the scheduling process and the /rules and regulations governing the scheduling process
need for better integration on line of the content and value analysis of extant permanent records relating to the 24 county level jurisdictions
Presentation on Connections
Flight to Freedom research on Montgomery County, Prince Georges County, the Province of Ontario, Canada, and Macedon, NY: A Shadow on the Household and William L. Chaplin, stories with a national and international twist
Focused research emphasis on Slave and Free during the War of 1812: reparations for slaves who escaped to the British during the war
Impact of the War of 1812 on the expansion of civil rights
The Jew Bill (1826) and Thomas Kennedy
Unsung heroes: Levy Solomon, John V. L. McMahon, and Henry Marie Brackenridge
Proposed Action by the Commission: Resolution of full support for archival initiatives as they relate to policy and publications, including the proposed expansion of the existing Archives building
Recent Gifts, Deposits and Acquisitions
Proposed Action by the Commission: Resolution of Appreciation for all recent gifts.
Maryland State Archives On Line
Finding Aids, Reference Services, and Publications:
aomol.net, archivesofmaryland.net, marylandlegalhistory.net - Access to over 471,000 historical documents that form the constitutional, legal, legislative, judicial, and administrative basis of Maryland's government
baltimorecityhistory.net - A Guide to Research and Writing about the History of Baltimore City
editonline.us - Transcription and editing of historical documents online
lrac.us - Land Records Access Committee and Image Retrieval System for Maryland
mappingmaryland.net - The Interactive Maps component of the Flight to Freedom project allows historians, genealogists, and researchers to search for Maryland property owners
martenet.org - Maryland Historical Maps
mdelect.net - Find your Elected Officials
mdgovpics.net - The Governor's Office Photo Gallery
mdgovpubs.net - Government Publication Library
mdhistory.net - Research
mdhistpics.net - Historical Photographs of Maryland
mdihp.net - Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties
mdlandrec.net - A Digital Image Retrieval System for Land Records in Maryland
mdmanual.net - A Guide to Maryland Government
mdnewspapers.net - Guide to Maryland Newspapers
mdplats.net, plats.net - Digital Image Reference System for Land Survey, Subdivision, and Condominium Plats
mdprobate.net - Digital Image Reference System for Maryland Probate Records
mdroads.net - Maryland State Archives Digital Imaging Management for State Highway Administration
mdsa.net - Maryland State Archives Homepage
mdslavery.net, slaverymd.net - African American Research at The Maryland State Archives
mdstatehouse.net - This website represents the initial phase of the Maryland State House Historic Structure Report Project
mdvitalrec.net - Vital Records Indexing Project
mopw.net/ids/login.cfm - Public Works
msa.md.gov/msa/intromsa/html/record_mgmt/homepage.html - Records Transfer and Storage Management
msa.md.gov/msa/refserv/govpub/html/search.html - Government Publications On-Line
potomachistory.net - Maryland's Ownership of the Potomac River
teachingamericanhistorymd.net - A partnership program bringing historical resource materials and professional-development experiences to K-12 U.S. history teachers
v3.mdlandrec.net - Version 3 of the Land Records Website
Education and Outreach
Courses taught and lectures given by state archivist (see prior resolution on 4/19/2000)
Fall 2009: Teaching 2009 Legal History Seminar: Baltimore's Environmental History at the University of Maryland School of Law
Fall 2009: Teaching Baltimore and the Environment at Johns Hopkins University
Spring 2010: Teaching Race and the Law Seminar: The Maryland Experience at the University of Maryland School of Law
April 30, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse, Rob Schoeberlein, and Maria Day provided an overview of maps and map making to a group of homeschooled students and parents
May 5, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse hosted a tour of the Sands House, Governor's Office, and the Maryland State Archives for students and teachers from Boys' Latin School
September 22, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse presented a lecture on Water Rights in Maryland to the Attorney General's Real Estate Work Group
September 24, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse participated in a discussion at the Washington Map Society of the Supreme Court case Virginia v. Maryland, 540 U.S. 56 (2003)
October 8, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse presented a lecture on the Old Senate Chamber to members of the Questers
November 5, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse presented a lecture on Palimpsests and Watermarks, or Why the Web Can't Tell Us Everything at the University of Maryland Early American Seminar
November 6-7, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse participated in the Jefferson Institute's Digital Tools for Information and Democracy Conference, presenting a lecture on Digital Tools for Archives
November 19-21, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse and Tim Baker attended the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture's Early Chesapeake Conference, and Dr. Papenfuse participated in the Plenary Session on Retrospective and Roundtable on the Chesapeake School
December 15-17, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse participated in a trip to the Military Archives of Belgrade, Serbia, with representatives from the Jefferson Institute
February 4, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse presented a lecture on the history of Baltimore to the Johns Hopkins University class of Keiffer Mitchell
February 18, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse presented a lecture on George Washington at the Washington College Annual Birthday Toast to George Washington
March 6, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse presented a lecture at the Lloyd Street Synagogue on Religious Diversity and Discrimination in Maryland as part of the Teaching American History program for Baltimore City Public School teachers
March 25, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse provided the Keynote Address on The Spirit of 1634 at the St. Mary's County annual Maryland Day Celebration
March 28, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse provided the Keynote Address for the Historic St. Mary's City Commission's celebration of Maryland Day
April 7, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse participated in the WYPR show, Maryland Morning with Sheila Kast, broadcast on April 26.
April 8, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse provided the Keynote Address at the Maryland Questers State Conference
April 18, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse presented a lecture on the life and times of Thomas Kennedy for the Adult Education Group of the Congregation B'nai Abraham
May 5, 2009: Chris Haley was interviewed by Michael Palmer, Tuscaloosa News, concerning Chris Haley's Scottish ancestry and the his link to Marion County, Alabama
May 26, 2009: Chris Haley participated in Career Day at Rogers Elementary School
May 27, 2009: Dr. Papenfuse, Tim Baker, Vicki Lee, Jenn Cruickshank, Emily Oland Squires, Jen Hafner, Jean Russo, and Joyce Phelps met with members of the Kitty Knight Questers and Mark Mumford, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Kent County, and provided a presentation on items the Questers have funded for conservation
May 28, 2009: Elaine Bachmann, Sasha Lourie, and Chris Kintzel provided a tour of the State House and Government House for members of the National Governors Association
June 10, 2009: Elaine Bachmann met with Sunny Hess and David Koehler, of the Capital Newspaper, concerning film for the "Tour Annapolis" tourism segment
June 16, 2009: Nancy Bramucci served as a Judge in the Senior Division for the University of Maryland's National History Day
July 4, 2009: Sasha Lourie participated in the Paca Graveside Celebration with Queen Anne's County Historical Society, and gave a presentation on the importance of the Old Senate Chamber and the significance of the Washington, Lafayette and Tilghman painting
July 25, 2009: Elaine Bachmann participated in St Clement's Island History and Heritage Day doing readings and a book signing for While a Tree Grew: The Story of Maryland's Wye Oak
August 18, 2009: Elaine Bachmann presented the lecture Washington, Lafayette, and Tilghman at Yorktown: Charles Willson Peale's Revolutionary Portrait for Maryland
September 15, 2009: Tim Baker and Wei Yang provided a presentation and tour of the Archives to a delegation from the Archives Bureau of ZheJiang Province, China
October 7, 2009: Richard Richardson provided a demonstration of MdLandRec.net and a tour of the Archives to trainee court clerks from the Judiciary Training Center
October 9, 2009: Chris Haley attended student presentations from Ira Berlin's and Herbert Brewer's University of Maryland course on the history of slavery
October 14, 2009: Elaine Bachmann presented a lecture on Art of the State: Three Centuries of Patronage in the State House to Chapter R of the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.)
October 15, 2009: Vicki Lee presented a lecture on The Collapse of the City Archives in Cologne, Germany: My experiences at the recovery site at the Folger Shakespeare Library
October 20, 2009: Carrie Gross provided a tour of the Archives to Hilary Stryker, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
October 22, 2009: Sasha Lourie conducted a tour of the State House for Iraqi Governors, their translators, and staff from the Secretary of State's Office
October 26, 2009: Mike McCormick provided a presentation and tour of the Maryland State Archives to Professor Don Linebaugh and his graduate students
October 27-28, 2009: Chris Haley participated in the Annapolis Foundation program Annapolis Footprints: Follow in the Footsteps of History
November 2, 2009: Chris Haley presented a lecture on Underground Railroad Research at the Maryland State Archives to the Greater Baltimore Chapter of the Record Managers Association
November 5, 2009: Kevin Swanson, James Watson, and David Stacey provided a presentation and a tour of the Archives to Records Managers
November 5, 2009: Elaine Bachmann conducted a tour of the State House and Government House for the staff of Buckingham Palace and the British Embassy
November 12, 2009: Elaine Bachmann presented a lecture on The Founding of Maryland and the Role of the Lords Baltimore to the Fourth Grade Class of Severna Park Elementary School
December 12, 2009: Maya Davis presented a lecture on Slavery in Charles County to members of Truth Ministries
December 21, 2009: Chris Haley and Maya Davis presented a genealogy demonstration to Bates Middle School
February 3, 2010: Chris Haley presented a lecture on Underground Railroad Research at the Maryland State Archives for the Prince George's County Genealogical Society
February 6, 2010: Rachel Frazier presented a lecture on African American Resources for Annapolis at the Maryland State Archives at the Second Annual Black History Month Seminar
February 20, 2010: Maya Davis presented a lecture to representatives from the National Park Service
February 20, 2010: Nancy Bramucci led a Teaching American History workshop for Anne Arundel County Public School teachers
February 21, 2010: Chris Haley presented the Keynote Address on Preserving the Past and Celebrating the Present and Future of Black History at the Annual Greater Saint Peter Church of God True Holiness Black History Service
March 4, 2010: Elaine Bachmann presented a lecture on Washington, Lafayette & Tilghman at Yorktown: Charles Willson Peale's Revolutionary Portrait for Maryland at the Maryland Historical Society
March 5, 2010: Chris Kintzel provided a tour of state-owned art collections at the Peabody Institute to Andrea Dixon, Maryland Institute College of Art
March 8, 2010: Vicki Lee provided a tour of the Maryland State Archives Conservation Lab for representatives from Folger Shakespeare Library
March 16, 2010: Elaine Bachmann presented a lecture on Slavery in Maryland to the Fourth Grade of Severna Park Elementary School
March 19, 2010: Vicki Lee provided a tour of the Maryland State Archives Conservation Lab to Michael Lee, Etherington Conservation Services
March 20, 2010: Rob Schoeberlein served as a judge for Maryland History Day for the Community College for Baltimore County
March 24, 2010: Kim Moreno provided a demonstration of MdLandRec.net Version 3 at the Baltimore County Law Association Tech Expo
April 7, 2010: Sasha Lourie conducted a Curator's Tour of the State House and Government House for Baltimore County Questers
April 24, 2010: Maria Day served as judge for the University of Maryland Baltimore County's Maryalnd History Day
Forthcoming special meetings of the Commission and events of interest
April 30, 2010: Mike McCormick will assist a film crew from Brigham Young University in filming an episode of The Generations Project
May 4, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse will host a tour of the Sands House, Governor's Office, and the Maryland State Archives for students and teachers from Boys' Latin School
May 5, 2010: Elaine Bachmann will present a lecture at the Cincinnati Art Museum on Designing Camelot: Jacqueline Kennedy's Role as Tastemaker to the Nation
May 7, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse will participate in the University of Maryland School of Law 2010 Roundtable of Baltimore Historians
May 21, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse will present a lecture at Broadmead on A Spy in Charles Village, Or the Framing of Alger Hiss?
June 10, 2010: Rob Schoeberlein will present a lecture to the Board of Maryland Mental Health Association on History of Mental Health Care
July 4, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse will present a lecture at the Paca Graveside Celebration on William Paca, George Washington, and the Bill of Rights
August 10, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse will participate at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists, the Council of State Archivists, and the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators in a panel discussion on Archival Decision-making in Adverse Economic Conditions
October 1, 2010: Dr. Papenfuse will participate in the Archiving Social Media Conference at George Mason University
Administrative and Fiscal Matters
Deputy State Archivist's Report:
State House
Old House Chamber re-creation
contract awarded by the Board of Public Works March 24
work to get underway
Old Senate Chamber re-creation
Old Senate Chamber Architectural Advisory Committee
Restoration Plan
February 17, 2010: Testimony before the Public Safety & Administration Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee
February 18, 2010: Testimony before the Public Safety, Transportation & Environment Subcommittee of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee
Over the Target Requests - (none were funded)
Operating Budget
Budget cuts have resulted in:
the elimination of all General Funds except salaries
the elimination of all funding for art conservation
agency deficit at the start of the fiscal year of
$813,981 known debt obligation
$337,684 salaries of staff
$1,151,665 Total
The inability to purchase replacement equipment in the out years threatens our ability to maintain important websites such as MdLandRec.net and the viability of our electronic archives
The agency is taking steps now to deal with a potential year-end deficit of singificant proportions
Salaries seriously underfunded. Senior management and administration staff are now underfunded by 25%. Other facts:
Only 58% of full time staff have any General Fund source
Less than 3% of contractual employees are paid for through the General Fund
Over 50% of Archives staff have no benefits
Only 18 of our 104 "full time equivalents" are supported entirely by a General Fund appropriation
The Archives is now not able to take on other reference requests for agencies unless they are paid projects (example: Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Criminal Justice Information Services requests)
Capital Budget - feasibility study completed
Records Access
Social Security Numbers on the Internet - HB 1042 implementation
Records Retention and Disposition Schedules - final draft of regulation submitted for review by the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive & Legislative Review
Maryland Commission on Artistic Property
May 13, 2009 meeting, approved minutes
October 27, 2009 meeting, draft minutes
Proposed action by the Commission: adoption and approval of reports incorporating any comments on budget related matters
New Business
Next meeting
The next Hall of Records Commission meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 1, 2010.
Edward C. Papenfuse
State Archives
350 Rowe Boulevard
(410) 260-6401.
© Copyright Maryland State Archives