Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 51
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 51
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49 their statements of the claims of their State, said to the commissioners of Virginia: "It is remarkable, too, that in the compact of 1785, while conceding that the rights of fishing in the Potomac River shall be common to and equally enjoyed by the citizens of both States, Maryland omitted to secure by express terms reciprocal rights in the Pocomoke River." " By the Virginia act of 1875, Marylanders were distinctly forbidden to take oysters in Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds. The position now taken by Maryland was to base her fishery privileges on the compact of 1785, and prove that Pocomoke River included the Bay and Sound. The question came to a definite issue in the trial of Marylanders for taking oysters in waters which Virginia had reserved to her own citizens. In March, 1893, Robert L. Wharton and Severn Nelson were arrested by the Sheriff and indicted by the Grand Jury of Accomack County, being charged that they "did unlawfully take and catch oysters in the waters of Virginia and within the jurisdiction of said County on Ledge Rock in Pocomoke Sound."1°° The case was taken from the County Court of Acco- mack on a question of jurisdiction. On a writ of habeas corpus it was transferred to the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, and after- wards on appeal by the Maryland authorities, to the Supreme Court of the United States. While this case was pending in court, serious conflicts took place on the waters in question, between the Vir- ginia authorities and Maryland oystermen. Governor O'Perrall, in the early part of x894, sent a message to the Virginia Legislature calling attention to the great dep- redations in Tangier Sound, and making recommenda- e° " Report of Boundary Commission," i $74, p. t6. i°°" Briefs of counsel in U. S. Supreme Court, Wharton v. Wise, i53U.S.i55. s