Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 45
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 45
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43 meanderings of said river by the low-water mark to Smith's Point, at or near the mouth of the Potomac, in latitude 37° 53' o$" and longitude 76° 13' 46"; thence crossing the waters of the Chesapeake bay by a line running north 65° 3o' east about nine and a half nautical miles to a point on the western shore of Smith's island, at the north end of Sassafras Hammock; thence across Smith's Island to the center of Horse Hammock, on the eastern shore of Smith's Island; thence to a point marked `A' on the accompanying map, in the middle of Tangier Sound; thence by a line dividing the waters of Tangier Sound to a point where it intersects the straight line from Smith's Point to Watkins Point. This point of intersection is marked `B' on the accompanying map. Thence along the line above mentioned which runs from Smith's Point to Watkins Point until it reaches the latter spot, namely Watkins Point, which is in latitude, 3?° $4' 38", longitude, 75° Sa' 44". From Watkins Point the boundary line runs due east, to a point where it meets a line running through the middle of Pocomoke Sound, which is marked `C' on the accompanying map; thence by a line dividing the waters of Pocomoke Sound, to a point in said Sound marked `D' on the accompanying map; thence following the middle of Pocomoke River by a line of irregular curves, as laid down on the accompany- ing map, until it intersects the westward protraction of the boundary line marked by Scarburgh and Calvert, May 28, 1668, at a point in the middle of the Pocomoke River; thence by the Calvert and Scarburgh line to the Atlantic Ocean." " In short, Virginia lost the Potomac, and to Maryland was given the south bank of that- river. The part of Smith's Island claimed by Virginia was retained by her; Tangier and Pocomoke Sounds were divided between the two states, Virginia getting the larger share; the south- "Opinion and Award of Arbitrators on the Maryland and Vir- ginia Boundary Lines," pp. 29-30.