Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 44
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 44
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42 contending States agreed to the selection of James B. Beck of Kentucky in tile place of Gov. Graham, who had died in the meantime. Each State had the right to be repre- sented by counsel before the arbiters. Former Governor William Pinkney Whyte and I. D. Jones were counsel for Maryland, and the attorney-general of Virginia appeared an behalf of his State. The temporary line known as the "Lovett-Davidson Line" was to be observed until the award was made, and bath states pledged obedience to the decision of the Board."" Maryland pledged her obedience with the proviso "that neither of the states, nor the citizens thereof, shall by the decision of said arbitrators, be deprived of any of the rights and privileges enumerated and set forth in the compact between them entered into in the year I7$3." 8= In 1876 an additional provision was made by both States "that the land holders on either side of the line of boundary, as may be ascertained and determined by the said award, shall in no manner be disturbed thereby in their title to and possession of their lands." s$ On January 76, x877, the award was made," stating that, "having heard the allegations of the said States and examined the proofs on both sides, we do fend, declare, award, ascertain and determine that the true line of boundary between the said States so far as they are con- terminous with one another, is as follows, to wit BEGINNING at the point on the Potomac River where the line between Virginia and West Virginia strikes the said river at low water mark, and thence following the I Lovett was chief oyster inspector for Virginia, and Davidson was commander of the Oyster Police Force of Mayland, and they agreed ,to a temporary line Dec. it, 7868. 10 `• Laws of Maryland,.. 1876, c11. I98, " Acts of Virginia Assem- bly," 7875, ch. 247. Maryland Acts a# Assembly, 1874, p. 444, 1876, ch. fio, tg8 and Virginia Acts of Assembly, 78y,4, pp. 776, 735, 225, and 1876, Ch. 247. 11 See map marked by arbitrators opposite.