Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 42
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 42
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40 greater part of their tires however, rues given to hUtDri- cal rte, examining .amps aatd rummaging libraries to find evidence by which the claims of each state might be sustained. An went was made that the respective claims of Maryland and Virginia, as to boundary, be written out and prated in a joint meeting of the com- missioners. Mr. Jones, on the part of Maryland, and former Governor Wise, in behalf of Virginia, presented claims. An attempt to reach a compromise then followed, but the Maryland members could not agree to terms of adjustment and the work of the commission ended?8 In the final report of the Virginia commissicxters the claims of Maryland are stated as follows (z ) "Maryland claims that by the charter of Lord Bal- timore, the standpoint of the grantor was an the fortieth parallel of north latitude . . . that is granted." (2) "She next claims that the line running north to the further bank of said river, necessarily ran to the right bank of the Potomac. Virginia claims that this could not be so from the course of the river, for by the survey of Micbler,T' the left or north bank was the further bank of the river, at the point where it was cut by the meridian of the first fountain thereof, traced from the parallel of forty degrees north latitude." (3) "Maryland replied that whatever the map of the river at its source, the line was to be run to a place called Cinguadc, and the river was not to be crossed by it, but the line was to continue on the same bank of its begin- " For a foil account of these attempts to compromise see '1 Journal of Proceedings of Boundary Commission," Maryland Strafe Docu- ments, Doc. E. - Report of the Commissioners to adjust the boundary hue between Maryland and Virginia, t8y4." p. r-2g. 79 Michler in his survey found the Potomac at its first fountain canning eastward, then northward, turning to westward and fiaally eastward again to the ocean. Of - course a line from the fortiem parallel falling on the further bank, where the river flowed west- ward, world make the northern bank of the main stream the fnrther bank. Boundary Report of i$74. Sujbra.