Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 41
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 41
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39 A. Wise, D. C. DeJarnette, and William Watts were appointed on behalf of Virginia to confer with Messrs. Aydelott and Waters, the Maryland commissioners, ap- pointed in 1868. Farmer Governor Wise, in a letter of December the sixth, i87o, to Mr. Aydelott, asked that the proposed meeting of the commissioners be postponed until proper time could be had to study the documents bearing on the titles of both states. In January of the following year, the newspapers of Richmond- announced that the Virginia commissioners had discovered that much of the manuscript material obtained from England in i86o, by Col. A. W. McDonald, in reference to the boundary, had disappeared .75 Mr. DeJarnette procured from England a part of the missing documents, and the commissioners of Virginia having now obtained their material began their work with the Maryland members in the fall of i8y. Winter came on and the survey of the line was postponed. In February of 1872, the joint commission met, and the documents lately obtained were consult. The Virginians claimed the entire Potomac River and to the Caivert- Scarburgh line. The Marylanders said that they were empowered to settle only the Eastern Shore boundary, and the conference ended for a time.7e The General Assembly in the following April continued the commis- sion, and gave it power "to settle and adjust the boundary line between the two states."T The commissioners began their task in the spring of z8?a. Joint meetings were held at Annapolis, Crisfield, Baltimore and Richmond. They went to Smith's Island and inspected the line stones at Horse Hammock. The 71 Some of the volumes mentioned in note yt have had many leaves and maps cut from them. " Maryland Senate Journal, Senate and House Documents, Drxs. W and X, t$72. 77- Maryland Acts of Assembly," 1872, Ch, 2 io.