Black & Jenkins Award,1877,
, Image No.: 27
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Black & Jenkins Award,1877,
, Image No.: 27
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28 the dry laud, but as part of it. One who owns land to. river owns to the middle of the channel. Upon, the same principle, if one State has the territory on both sides the whole river belongs to her. Nor does it make any differ- ence how large or bow small the body of water is. The Romans called the Mediterranean dare Nostrwn, because her territory surrounded it on all sides. This construction applies with equal certainty to every kind of title, whether it be acquired by express concession,, by lawful conquest, or by the long continuance of a possession which at first may have been but a naked trespass. In the last case the silent dereliction of the previous proprietor implies a grant of his whole right as fully as if it had been given by solemn treaty. A few observations upon the several sections of the broken line which we adopt in place of the straight line of the charter will suffice to apply the principles we have en- deavored to set fortb. We run to Sassafras Hammock and from that to Horse Hammock, because we cannot in any other possible way give Virginia the part of Smith's Island to which she shows her right by long possession. We go thence to the middle of Tangier sound and from thence downward we divide Tangier sound equally be- tween the two States, because the possession of Virginia to the shore is proof of a title whose proper boundary is the middle of the water. We give Maryland the other half of the sound for the same or exactly a similar reason, she being incontestably the owner of the dry land on the opposite shore. The south line dividing the waters stops where it inter- sects the straight line from Smith's Point to Watkins Point, because this latter is the charter line, as modified by the compact, and Maryland has no rights south of it. Prom that point of intersection to Watkins Point we follow the straight line from Smith's Point. there being no possession or agreement which has changed it since Lf8b.