Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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124. SELECTED. COMMUNIST FRONT ORGANIZATIONS Officers The officers of the International Labor Defense are as follows: Vito Marcantonio •».' President Doxey A. Wilkerson ~ Vice President Lewis Col,man — Secretary Robert W« Dunn — Treasurer The organization is presently advocating the following legislation: A permanent fair employment practices committee, passage of the Wagner-Murray- Dingell bill covering Social Security, the Full Employment Bill, the Anti-Poll Tax Bill, the adoption of the Bretton Woods Proposals* Other bills which it is offering its support are those providing for the independence of Puerto Rico; the bill making it a criminal offense to assault or attack members of the armed forces; the bill to abolish segregation in the armed forces; the bill to provide equality for races in travel and travel accomodations; the bill against racial incitement through thte mails; the resolution to investigate "Jim Crown baseball; and the bill to make it possible for Filipinos to become American citizens. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF AiSPJCAN-SOVIET FRIENDSHIP, INC. 232 Madison Avenue, New York City. This organization was officially launched as a" result of a Congress of American Soviet Friendship held in New York City in November, 1942* The organization is alleged to be an outgrowth of this temporary body, which in turn was planned by the American Cpuncil of Soviet Relations, which group during its existence was described as a Communist front. The organization operates nationally from New York City and has affiliated with it a number of local councils throughout the country. At one time it claimed to have thirtySfive affiliated local councils in principal cities throughout the nation. At the present time, however, the most active councils outside of the New York'City group are those in Boston, Chicago, Milwaukee, Baltimore, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland. The officers of this organization are as follows: ,.%... Chairman Corliss Lament Vice Chairman William Morris, Jr. Arthur Upham Pope Sdwia S. Smith Executive Director Sdwin S« Smith Secretary Nan Golden Treasurer (Philip Jacob Jaffe has just recently resigned as Treasurer.) Acting on a national basis is the Steering Committee and the persons on this Committee include Theodore Bayer, Jessica Smith, Nan Golden, Corliss Lament, 2dv/in S» Smith, and Samuel B. Leavin, In addition to this Steering Committee and the above-designated officers, there is an Executive Board of this organization or more than twenty-five members.