Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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123. SELECTED COMMUNIST FRONT ORGANIZATIONS HOLLYWOOD WRITERS MOBILIZATION HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA This organization is composed primarily of the screen writers working for the various motion picture concerns in Hollywood. After June 22, 1941, the date of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, the League of American Writers began to retrench in order to cover its former connections with and support of the American Peace Mobilization. In December, 1941, the League of American Writers began conferences which resulted in the formation of the Hollywood Writers Mobilization. Since its formation, the organization has taken an active interest in the political scene in the State of California. Until recently, its main function was its working arrangement with the Office of War Information to produce documentary overseas films. The organization had a subcommittee work- ing on this project and fifty writers, eighteen of whom are alleged to be Communists. The current officers of the organization are: Chairman Emmett Lavery Vice-Chairman Dr. Franklin Fearing - Professor of Psychology, Univ. of Calif. Second Vice-Chairman W. F. (Bill)Blowits - Hollywood publicist Third Vice-»Chairman John Houseman - Screen writer Treasurer Abraham S.Burrows - Screen writer Secretary , Howard Estabrook The Editorial Board of the Hollywood Writers Mobilization, which pro- duces its publication known as "Communiqueft has thirteen members, among whom are John Howard Lawson, Robert Rossen, Sidney Buchman and Meta Reis. INTZR^LITIONAL IABQR DEFENSE 112 East 19th Street New York City This organization was organized in 1925. At one time it was reportedly affiliated with the International Red Aid. The International Labor Defense has for its President Congressman Vito Marcantonio. The organization claims to devote jfiost of its activities to furnishing financial aid and legal assistance to members of organized labor and others who, feecause of their political beliefs, are in trouble with law enforcement bodies. At the same time, however, it follows the Communist line in its propaganda that it distributes in the form of press releases, open letters and various publica- tions such as its present day "Legislative Service". In the last named publication the organization sets forth pending and existing legislation which the Communist movement is either in favor of or is against and accordingly advocates either the passage or the changing of certain legislation which it analyses in toto as that which the Communist movement desires to be enacted*