Create Word Count File

The Word Count dialog is displayed when the Create Word Count File command is selected from the Index Menu.  The purpose is to create a list of the indexed words along with some information on how often they occur.

wordcountdlg.gif (8497 bytes)

The name of the target file is entered into the Results File field or created in a common save as dialog with the browse button.  The extension on this file is normally TXT.

The percentage field is used to limit the list to the more common words.   A value of 0 would cause all the words to be included, while a value of 100 would only list words that appeared in all of the files.  Using this in combination with the Import Skip Words command is a good way to produce a custom list of common words to be skipped, perhaps for a language other than English.

When you click OK the file will be created and a message box will report when the operation is complete.  The file is a simple text file with one word per line followed by a comma and the number of files it appears in and another comma and approximately the total number of occurrences of the word in all of the files.  For example:


The comma separated form is suitable for importing into a spreadsheet or database.

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