Overwrite Files?

overwrite.gif (9468 bytes)

This dialog is presented when the Copy To command would result in an existing file being replaced by the file being copied.

Your options are:

Yes - the existing file will be replaced.  If more than one file is being copied and this would cause any other files to be replaced, this dialog box will reappear for that file.

No - the existing file is not replaced and the copy is cancelled for that file.  If more than one file was being copied, the other files will still be copied.  If this would cause another file to be replaced, then this dialog box will reappear for that file.

All - the existing file is replaced as are any other files if more than one file is being copied.  This dialog will not reappear and all target files with the same name as a source file will be replaced.  Beware!

Cancel - the existing file is not replaced and no further copying of other files is done.  Some file may have already been copied though by this time.


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