SetZipEncrypt OLE Automation Routine

SetZipEncryptFlags( oldPassword, newPassword, storePassword, encryptNew, restrictCopying )

This routine permits setting the Zip encryption options available on t on the zip encryption page of the index dialog.

The oldPassword will be ignored if a password is not currently set in the index. If a password does exist and copying is restricted, then this parameter must match the existing password. In any event, the password will be set to newPassword. This can be an empty string to remove a password.

The storePassword, encryptNew and restrictCopying parameters are boolean values corresponding to the appropriate check boxes on the encryption page of the index dialog.


If Not wilbur.SetZipEncrypt("encrypted", "vbencrypted", True, False, False) Then
    MsgBox ("Set zip encrypt failed")
End If
Returns true if the operation succeeded.

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