Launch Command
(File Menu)

A file in the file list can be launched in its’ associated application with the File/Launch command. You can also launch a file by double clicking on its name in the file list. If there is no association, then this command will have no effect.

Files inside ZIP archives cannot be launched directly, so a temporary copy will be extracted and it will be launched instead. This file will be destroyed when Wilbur quits, so Wilbur makes the file read only to remind you that you cannot save changes to it.

Note that some programs, such as Microsoft Word, keep the file they are viewing open all the time. This means that Wilbur may not be able to view a file from a zip archive if it has already been launched by Wilbur and is still open. This could also prevent Wilbur from deleting the temporary file when it quits, so you should probably leave Wilbur running until you are finished with the file. You could also occasionally check the folder set as the "Temporary Zip Path" in the File/Preferences dialog when Wilbur isn't running, and delete anything that has been left.


  • Keys: CTRL+L or double click name in file list

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