New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 80
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'"'IGLOBE-,'- This "HE NEW YORK GLOBE-,'- paper is published in the city of New York, and is circulated extensively in the Eastern, Western, and Middle States, and partially in the Southern and Southwestern States of the Union. It has also a circulation of Four THOUSAND Copies in California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. THE DAILY GLOBE is neatly printed on a double medium sheet, and is issued every morning but the Sabbath, each number containing the very latest foreign and domestic news. It is afforded to subscribers by mail at $$5 per annum. It is intended to equal in amount and value of matter any Daily issued on this Continent. THE WEEKLY GLOBE Is also priatted on a sheet 27 by 41 inches, and contains the choicest matter of the Daily issue -valuable correspondence from all sections of the Union, as well as from other parts of the World. It is afforded to those who subscribe singly at $1 per annum; ,~,'- or twelve oopieg for $10-payment in all cases being recjthred in advance. When the term paid for has ex- pired, the paper is stopped, so that no,man need fear being annoyed with bills for papers he never read, and did not want. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Notes of all specie-paying Banks in the United States are taken for subscriptions to dais paper at par. Money enclosed in a letter, addressed "Xe?.v York Globe," anti deposited .in any Post Office in the United States, may be considered at our risk; but to deScriptian of the bills ought in all ca.?es to be left with the Postmaster. The essential .principles of the Globe are DEMOCRATIC RPuir.Ic<).N. It will sustain that party with all its vigor, acquiesce in its action, maintain and uphold its integrity, and i4 au Ceases, give an earnest and uncompromising support to REGULAR NomII-raTIONS, National as well as State and local. Our motto is, " UNION wlrtl -aF DEmocR AC`I OY THE; UNION-Oa ho- SITION TO T'-'IE WILMO'1' PRO', I50." it is "Resolved," that no American Journal shall exceed the Globe in the variety, extent or accuracy of itLz intelligence, while to Literature, Poetry, and Art, as much mace will be devoted as can be spared from the topics of the day. :~ correct list of "Prices Current" in this city, and at the prineips.l Atlantic and interior cities, together with Reaietrq of the same; and also the latest accounts of the markets of Cali- fbrnia, will l~; 7ublisz~cd in every number of the~eclily globe, when. tile markets are of suffi- cient iutere;?t "o reql. "Fc ca~am~nt. Special attention will be given to c )mmerciai matters gen- erally. Qvcf.1`: R. HAZ'_Ef*J1A_AL g Y.: sl,,_.arrn, No. 132 N!!-saŽ srss?:.:,v, Nsw Yox$.