New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 79
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 79
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EPHRAIM. LITTLEFIELD JANITOR OF THE MEDICAL COLLD(GŁ, Who discovered the Remains in the Vault of Professor Wet ~J DRAWN )j7 ROWSE, FROM A DAGUERREOTYPE BY CTAttE.-ENGRAI'EDBY MARSH, XXP"gy'x FOR THE NEW YORK (SLOB&. ACCURATE DR.4WINGS OF .Articles found in the Laboratory of Professor Webster, AND PRODUCED IN COURT DURING THE TRIAL 1.-Tea-obest in which the thorax aa(1 left thigh were found embedded in tan, 9.-Bowie Knife found in the tea•.chest, with blood upon the blade. 5..=-Turkish Yatagan, elegantly chased silver handle, found n the Laboratory. 4.-Sledge-hammer alluded is 9n the testimony of Littlefield and others. 6. Ratchet, found in one of the drawers in the Professor's Cabinet. 6.-Throe large F1th.hooks tied together, fouhd attached to the remains in the vatlt.