New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 16
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16 by one acquainted with anatomy. I inquired if there was any perforation between the ribs, and was told that there was none; but on turning the chest over I found 'between the sixth and seventh ribs what appeared to me to be a clean cut, penetrating in a posterior direction, and apparently, made there by a very sharp knife; the wound was made in the direction of the large blond-vessels; the hair on the remains was mixed gray hair; the skin had lost the appearance of elasticity which characterizes that of the young subject, and had the appearance of belonging to. a body between 50 and EO years of age; there was a peculiarity in the position of the should- ers and the hips; the body had the appearrnce of being diaproportionably long. Cross-examined.-Have known Dr. P. many years; had done business with him; have been in his office often, and he in mine, and I flatter myself I was somewhat acquainted with him; I do not know that I ever saw any part of his naked body; have made anatomy my study for years, <