Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 28
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Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 28
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cITIZI;\SItll' ANi) ~II:I:I;.~t:l•; I\ MARYLAND. ;2-:) districts,' each Of wliicll should choose oIle elector, except the Baltimore city districts Avilich should choose two) each. A little later= each Of tile nine Col1- gressional districts were allowed to choose tine electo r, which nine, assem111ying, sllonld choose the other two. .1 third attempt, ill 18:-31, nave of tilt,. Stafe's ten electors : folly to) tile western shore, three to tile eastern sllt)re with Il:l.r_ ford county, two to Baltinu)re city anti one to Baltimore county. During ,Ill the period Of the district electoral system, Maryland", vote was generally divided. Tile Statute, which established tile general ticket system,:` provided that the Electoral College should fill its tovll vacancies. The afore-mentioned Statute of 1795, ellacted that judges (of clectioli should hermit all to vote at National elections, Avllo, ill thell•jltdgment, should 1)e so entitled, according to the United States Constitution, as ratified by Marvland, III Frederick county, lying in harts of' two) ('ongressit)nal districts,, the WHO should keel) two polls ; ;I provision later made general in silnila.r Cases.' Returns of National elections, Nvritten Out in duplicate in letters," and sealed MAN three clays of the election, sllcwld Ire sent 1)v the Sllerif to the Governor within ten days thereafter. 'rile (Tovernor and Conllcil, collntillg the returns (tile votes were Qua rocts shtmld announce tile: names of those elected and send certificate to) tile Secretary of State c)f the United States. 3 plurality should he sufficient to elect. IV. Fl;oM 'I'll E raTAIILIsII3IEN•r oh wIIITE SUrrI-Wr, To 'I'll r; 1;h:"ISTl;ATIoN I..\11' t)I" l8l)). The Next 1wriod in cntr stdlject Mons .with the re-voclilieaticm of the election laws of Maryland and the introdlmthm c)f a. Im)he demovI