Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)
Dorothy F. Bailey
MSA SC 3520-16882
The Honorable Dorothy F. Bailey, a Temple Hills, Maryland
resident for over thirty-five years, received her outstanding reputation in Maryland from her
achievements in civil service. Bailey’s extensive and incredibly successful career
as a community activist shows her high level of kindness and desire to
improve the lives of those around her, and her long-running career in the
county government has allowed her to further her devotion and service to those
in Prince George’s County, the Washington,
D.C. metropolitan region, and the State of Maryland.
Born in Dunn,
North Carolina, Bailey was the
third of four children. Bailey resided in North Carolina
until her grandfather died close to the beginning of her senior year of high
school, which caused her family to uproot themselves and relocate to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Having attended a segregated school in North Carolina,
the move to the North shocked Bailey. She, however, returned to her home
state after graduating high school when she enrolled at North Carolina Central
soon into her time at North Carolina Central University, Bailey
herself in the ideologies circulating around campus about civil rights
decided to become involved in the movement. Bailey’s experiences at the
university during
such a tumultuous yet historic time helped build her strong and
confident exterior. She reflects that “If you got an egg thrown at you,
so what? If a brick was
thrown at you, you tried to dodge it.”2
After graduating with a degree in sociology in 1962, Bailey returned to Pennsylvania where she
taught elementary school for twenty years. She also completed a graduate
studies degree in education at Pennsylvania
State University.3
Bailey moved to the Washington-metropolitan region after the death of her mother in the mid-1970s. Soon after her move,
Bailey fell in love with the Prince
George’s County area. Her tenured career of public service in Maryland began when she accepted a position as
a curriculum specialist in the University
of Maryland’s Upward
Bound Program. Bailey was so successful in molding young minds through this
program that she was awarded the Dedicated Service Reward in 1981 for her work.
This award warranted her much attention, and, in 1982, she was appointed
Director of Citizen Services by then Prince George’s County Executive Parris
Glendening. She later served as executive director of the
Consumer Protection Commission, executive director of the Commission for Families,
and director of the Prince George’s
County Department of Family Services, Community Partnership Division.4 Her
dedication to improving the welfare of those in her community is endless as
shown through her civic work in the Prince
George’s County government.
simultaneously working and serving on the board of the
National Council of Negro Women, Bailey decided to accept an offer to
run one
of her colleague’s political campaigns. This was her first involvement
politics, and she soon learned that she possessed a knack for it. She
continued her career of running political campaigns and ran a total of
campaigns for five separate local and state female candidates. Running
campaigns for these women was an eye-opening experience, sparking
realization that “It didn't matter
if race was in it, I was for women, because I noticed there was a gap and I
thought that we needed more women in politics.”5
Bailey acted upon her belief about the need for women in
politics when she decided to run for a seat on the Prince George’s County Council in 1994. Bailey
won the seat, and her eight years, including two terms as Chairman, on the county council began.6 Throughout
her time on the Council, Bailey tackled many crucial issues affecting the
county, including improving the quality of public schools and substance abuse
prevention. Her support of various pieces of legislation led to the building of
FedEx Field, home of the Washington Redskins, and she also supported
legislation for the establishment of the National Harbor
entertainment area. Bailey considers the FedEx Field and National Harbor
projects some of her most important accomplishments while serving on the
council.7 Bailey felt that these projects, especially the National Harbor
project, would allow "the world to see the goodness in Prince George's County."8
In 1999, Bailey was re-appointed the Chairman of the Prince
George’s County Council. Some saw her appointment as
controversial, which opened her to criticism, but Bailey ignored the negativity
and maintained her grace in a time of adversity. In regards to her critics, Bailey wisely said that she "didn't take any of that
[criticism] personally…I think if people want to think that, they can think
that, but people who know me and know me well, know that I've always been very
independent. I think for myself, and I'm capable of doing it and enjoy doing
that."9 In her acceptance speech for the position, Bailey released her goals for the
year, highlighting her idea to host a “Fatherhood Summit” which would gather
the community together “to develop ‘strategies and policies for creating strong
fathers’” and also her goal to develop new legislation focused around creating
a new pension plan for county employees. Bailey also promised to analyze a
Brookings Institute report released around the time of her election that
described the racial and economic situation of Prince George’s County and how it differed
from its surroundings. Halfway through her time as chairman, Bailey
accomplished two out of her three goals.10
The Fatherhood Summit eventually morphed into an annual conference which later
became a state-wide initiative.11
These goals still are improving the lives of residents in Maryland, reflecting Bailey’s constant focus
to create progress in the lives of her constituents.
For some,
politics and legislation are the only methods used to create progressive change.
This, however, is far from Dorothy Bailey’s case. In addition to her governmental
efforts, Bailey has worked tirelessly to establish a multitude of non-profit
organizations in Prince George’s
County, many which center on assisting youths in the county. In 1992, Bailey
founded the Kiamsha Youth Empowerment Organization for students grades
9-12 that are enrolled in the Prince George’s
County Public School System. The organization, which still exists today, aims
to “re-ignite a spark in the community by motivating our youth to empower
themselves in their communication, presentation, leadership and workshop
development skills.”12 The
organization is highly successful, and 100% of program participants graduate
high school, 98% attend college, and 95% graduate college.13
Another Bailey brainchild youth program is the Prince George’s Tennis and Education
Foundation, Inc. which teaches students the athletic and academic opportunities
available through playing tennis. Bailey
also helped establish LEARN (Landover Educational Athletic Recreational Non
Profit) in 1996, an organization that provides scholarships and other financial
support to students living in areas surrounding FedEx Field. Clearly, Bailey is
incredibly dedicated to serving the youth in her area and the innovative ideas
she has put into effect through her public service have touched many lives.
Although a large part of her
non-profit work benefits youth in Prince George’s
County, Bailey also created a tradition that reaches out to all residents in Prince George’s County and the Washington metropolitan area. In 1999,
Bailey channeled her own personal passion for her favorite historical era and
organized the Harlem Renaissance Festival. Bailey thought the theme “would be a
good opportunity for Prince George's
County to come together as a county to do something in remembrance of that time
and celebrate that period.”14
She was certainly correct when predicting that the festival had the possibility
of uniting Prince George’s
County residents, and the festival was wildly successful. In 2002, Bailey
established the Prince George’s County
Harlem Remembrance Foundation, a non-profit organization formed with the
intention “to educate youth and the general public on the significance
of the Harlem Renaissance Era by highlighting its art, poetry, dance and music
and supporting the legacy of the Era by offering educational scholarships to
students, hosting lecturers on the varied expressions of African-American art
and funding local, state and national grassroots activities.”15 The festival celebrated its fifteenth anniversary earlier
this year.
While serving as County
Council Chair, Bailey extended her efforts internationally and, in 1997,
entered Prince George’s County into a Sister City
relationship with the Royal Bafokeng Nation in South Africa. In 2003, Bailey led a
delegation of thirty-two Prince George’s County
residents to South Africa
which allowed these residents to connect with their African roots. Through this
Sister City relationship, Bailey established scholarship funds at Bowie State
University, Howard University, and Prince George’s Community College and also
created economic ties to South Africa through import and export opportunities.16
The relationship benefits both Prince
George’s County and the Royal Bafokeng Nation, showing
how Bailey always strives to reach out and create change for all, even if they
are an ocean away.
In 2011, Bailey pursued
a different field of work and decided to take her talents to pen and paper.
Bailey published In a Different Light:
Reflections and Beauty of Wise Women of Color, a book that consists of
interviews and photographs of more than one hundred Maryland women over the age of seventy. Inspired
by a question from her young grandson about her age, Bailey realized that
living until age seventy was a true blessing, but began to question the
importance of living so long. Wondering how other Maryland women felt about turning seventy
and about the lessons they have learned so far in their lives, Bailey began her
project. She refers to the women interviewed in the book as “wisdom carriers”
since “by the time you are 70, you should have gained some wisdom to share with
someone else. That you’ve had some experiences that you carry within you,
within your body, within your presence. Wisdom to share with other people. And
that is what the book is doing.”17
Dorothy F. Bailey rightfully earns the title of “wisdom
carrier,” and her many involvements and achievements in her community, along
with her strong faith, attest to this. Bailey is still an active member of
Kappa Alpha Kappa Sorority, Inc. and of Hunter Memorial
AME Church.
She received an honorary doctorate from Riverside Baptist
College and Seminary in
1991 and graduated from Leadership Greater Washington in 1998. She also has
received over 200 awards and honors for her public service, including the
Gladys Noon Spellman Award for Public Service, the NAACP Image Award for
Political Activism, and the National Council of Negro Women’s Bethune
Recognition Award.18
Bailey’s contributions to her community as reflected through
her government, activist, and political work are absolutely countless. Still
working in the Prince George’s County government,
the positive results caused from Bailey’s work in Prince
George’s County, the Washington
metropolitan region, and Maryland
will persevere for decades. Dorothy F. Bailey’s induction into the Women’s Hall
of Fame is well-deserved due to the never-ending devotion, compassion, and care
she channels into all she does, making her a truly one-of-a-kind woman.
1. Barbara
Ruben, "Wise Women Reflect on Aging," The
Beacon, March 1, 2012, accessed June 5, 2014, Return to text
Therese C. Yewell, Women of Achievement
in Prince George’s County (Maryland: National Capital Park and Planning
Commission, Prince George's County Planning Board, 1994), 234. Return to text
5. Eyobong Ita, "Dorothy Bailey Pursues a New Calling," Gazette.Net, July 13, 2000, accessed June 5, 2014, Return to text
6. Robert
E. Pierre, "Come November, A New Look for the County Council," The Washington Post, September 22, 1994. Return to text
7. Barbara
Ruben, "Wise Women Reflect on Aging." Return to text
8. Jackie Spinner, "Major
Development Decisions in
Maryland; Council
Vote Clears Hurdle for
National Harbor,"
Washington Post, June 3, 1998.
Return to text
Jackie Spinner, "Bailey Returns to Power; Council Leader Previews Agenda," The Washington
Post, December 15, 1999. Return to text
12. "About
Kiamsha," Kiamsha Youth Empowerment Organization, accessed June 6, 2014, Return to text
14. Kasper
Zeuthen, "Harlem Serenade; Prince
George’s Festival Aims to Inspire, Educate," The Washington Post, April, 28 1999. Return to text
15. "About Us," The Prince George’s County Harlem
Renaissance Festival, accessed June 6, 2014, Return to text
Biography written by 2014 summer intern Sharon Miyagawa.
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