Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Verlinda Stone
Wife of Gov. William Stone
MSA SC 3520-14038



Hall, Clayton, Colman, Narratives of Early Maryland, 1633-1684. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc.,1910.

Maloney, Eric John, Papists and Puritans in Early Maryland: Religion in the Forging of Provincial Society, 1632-1665. PhD. Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1996.

Papenfuse, Edward C., et al. A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature, 1635-1789, 2 vols.  Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979.

Archival Sources-
Inventory of Verlinda Stone, PREROGATIVE COURT (Inventories and Accounts) 1678, Liber 5, folio 354, MSA S536-6 (1/11/2/15)

MSA SC 2221-3-5 1655. Verlinda Stone's letter from a 17th century pamphlet entitled "Refutation of of Babylon's Fall," by John Langford. Taken from Clayton C. Hall, ed. Narratives of Early Maryland, 1633-1684. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910), MSA L21689, pp. 265-267.  DOCUMENTS FOR THE CLASSROOM SERIES. Daily Life in the New World, 1634-1715. Designed and developed by Edward C. Papenfuse and Dr. M. Mercer Neale, prepared with the assistance of R. J. Rockefeller, Lynne MacAdam and other members of the Archives staff. 1993.  MSA SC 2221-03. Publication no. 3916.

Allegorical Painting of Cecil Calvert Presenting the Acts of Toleration to Gov. William Stone, oil painting, 1853, by Tompkins Harrison Matteson (1813-1884), sometimes erroneously entitled: The Founding of Maryland. Painting is located in the Senate Lounge, Maryland State House. MSA SC1545-2551.

MSA SC 2221-3-2 1649. Act Concerning Religion [known as the Act of Toleration]. GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1637-1657 MSA S1071-2 and GENERAL ASSEMBLY, UPPER HOUSE (Proceedings) MSA S 977-1, ff. 354-359. DOCUMENTS FOR THE CLASSROOM SERIES. Daily Life in the New World, 1634-1715. Designed and developed by Edward C. Papenfuse and Dr. M. Mercer Neale, prepared with the assistance of R. J. Rockefeller, Lynne MacAdam and other members of the Archives staff. 1993.  MSA SC 2221-03. Publication no. 3916.

Edward C. Papenfuse, An Act Concerning Religion, April 21, 1649: An Interpretation and Tribute To The Citizen Legislators of Maryland, adaptation and expansion from an essay by Gerald W. Johnson. Maryland State Archives, DOCUMENTS FOR THE CLASSROOM SERIES.  Religious Toleration in Maryland, April 21, 1649  MSA SC 2221-25  March 1999.

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