Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

William H. Butler (b. circa 1829 - d. 1892)
MSA SC 3520-13083
Annapolis City Alderman, 1873-1875
Property Owner, Anne Arundel, Maryland


ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Certificates of Freedom) 1851-1864, Sally Butler, 1860, CM794.

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Record) 1852-1980 CM98, Equity Case 1614. William H. Butler, Jr., et al vs. Sarah Butler, et al. Liber SH 22, Folio 563.

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Land Records) MSA CE 59-11 Liber NHG 11, Folio 193.

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Land Records) MSA CE 59-40 Liber SH 25,  Folio 600.

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Land Records) WNW 52, 1921-1922 MSA CE 59-263 Liber WNW, 52 Folio 310.

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Manumission Record) William H. Butler, 1844-1846, MSA CM48-4, p. 14.

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Marriage Licenses) William H. Butler, 8 July 1852, 1777-1851 MSA CM95 CR 49, 158-4.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS (Death Record, Counties) 1910-1951 SE43, Sarah Butler, Certificate No. 7296.

RECORDS OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL'S BUREAU (Civil War), Record Group 110. National Archives and Records Administration. Consolidated Lists of Civil War Draft Registrations, 1863-1865. NM-65.

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Galesville Heritage Society Collection) Atlas, George M. Hopkins, Hopkins Atlas of Anne Arundel County, 1878. MSA SC 5439.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (Census Record, MD), William Butler, 1860, Anne Arundel County, Annapolis District, page 19, Line 31.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (Census Record, MD), William Butler, 1860, Anne Arundel County, Annapolis District, page 19, Line 31-34.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (Census Record, MD), William Butler, 1870, Anne Arundel County, City of Annapolis, page 125, Lines 30-34.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (Census Record, MD), William Butler, 1880, Anne Arundel County, 2nd Precinct of Annapolis, Enumeration Dist. No. 28, page 26, Lines 5-12.

Brown, Philip L. The Other Annapolis. Annapolis: Philip Brown Publishing, 2000.

Fuke, Richard Paul. “Land, Lumber, and Learning: The Freedmen’s Bureau, Education and the Black Community in Post-Emancipation Maryland.” In The Freedmen’s Bureau and Reconstruction: Reconsiderations, edited by Paul Alan Cimbala and Randall M. Miller, 288-314. New York: Fordham University Press, 1999.

Hayes-Williams, Janice. "William H. Butler and His Contemporaries," in Annapolis, City on the Severn: A History by Jane Wilson McWilliams. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011), 203.

McWilliams, Jane Wilson. Annapolis, City on the Severn: A History (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011), 209.

Internet Resources

Maryland Historical Trust. Inventory of Historic Properties. “William H. Butler House.” Site Number AA-468.


“Died.” Evening Capital, 4 October 1892.

“Sudden Death of W.H. Butler.” Evening Capital, 3 October 1892.

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