Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Parren J. Mitchell (1922-2007)
MSA SC 3520-2099

Archival sources -

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Petition Docket) Parren Mitchell v. University of Maryland, 1950, Volume JOR 16 pp. 126 & 127, 424 & 425 [MSA T 549-13, 3/34/14/7]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Parren Mitchell v. University of Maryland, 1950, Box 761 Case No. 13300 [MSA T 545-819, 3/33/4/28]

Newspaper/journal articles -

"Mitchell of Maryland: Standing Up, Speaking Out." The Washington Post, 1 February 1976.

Mitchell, Grayson. "Maryland's Most Maverick Mitchell." Black Enterprise 7 (July 1977): 27-33, 54.

"'One of God's Angry Men'." The Washington Post, 23 September 1977.

Poinsett, Alex.  "Parren Mitchell:  A Powerful Voice on Capitol Hill," Ebony.  September 1979.

"Retiring Rep. Mitchell Still Has Passion for Justice." The Washington Post, 1 December 1985.

"Nephew in charge, Parren Mitchell suffers money woes." The Baltimore Sun, 31 May 2002.

"Baltimore leaders setting up fund to help Parren Mitchell with debts." The Baltimore Sun, 1 June 2002.

"Curran will examine Mitchell's money woes." The Baltimore Sun, 4 June 2002.

"Parren Mitchell sues Sun, 2 reporters." The Baltimore Sun, 8 June 2002.

"Crusader for justice dies at 85." The Baltimore Sun, 29 May 2007.

"Tributes pouring in for Mitchell." The Baltimore Sun, 30 May 2007.

Kane, Gregory. "Parren Mitchell did what he had to do to help others." The Baltimore Sun, 30 May 2007.

"Politician Carried On A Civil Rights Legacy." The Washington Post, 30 May 2007.

"Fighter, Pioneer, Activist, Mentor." The Baltimore Sun, 6 June 2007.

Books -

Biographical Directory of the United State Congress, Online.  (

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-1989.  (Washington:  United States Printing Office, 1989), 1514.

Eisenberg, Gerson G.  Marylanders Who Served the Nation.  (Annapolis:  Maryland State Archives, 1992), 154-55.

Maryland Manual 1985-1986.  (Annapolis:  Maryland State Archives, 1985), 474.

Official Congressional Directory, 92rd Congress. (Washington:  United States Printing Office, 1971), 77;

Official Congressional Directory, 93rd Congress. (Washington:  United States Printing Office, 1973), 82.

1981 Official Congressional Directory, 97rd Congress. (Washington:  United States Printing Office, 1981), 78.

1983-1984 Official Congressional Directory, 98th Congress.  (Washington:  United States Printing Office, 1983), 86.

Other sources -

Press Release, 1 March 1979

Resume, 23 May 1980
HR 4109 of the second session of the 109th Congress, designating the U.S. Post Office 6101 Liberty Road in Baltimore, Maryland, as the "United States Representative Parren J. Mitchell Post Office".

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