William Donald Schaefer (1921-2011)
MSA SC 3520-1489
Maryland State Archives -
Exhibit of Governors' Portraits in the Governor's Reception Room, Maryland State House, 1995.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Biographical files) Hilda Mae Snoops file, MSA SC 3520-2297, 2/11/11/41.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Biographical files) William
Donald Schaefer file, MSA SC 3520-1489, 2/11/11/61.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (William Donald Schaefer Memorabilia Collection) MSA SC 4141.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (William Donald Schaefer Photograph Collection) MSA SC 4326.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Governor William Donald Schaefer Photograph and Memorabilia Collection) MSA SC 4383.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Governor William Donald Schaefer Memorabilia Collection) MSA SC 4403.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Governor Schaefer Artwork and Memorabilia Collection) MSA SC 4457.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Governor William Donald Schaefer Photographic Collection) MSA SC 4583.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Lathom Governor William Donald Schaefer Collection) MSA SC 4692.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Governor William Donald Schaefer Collection) MSA SC 5124.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Schaefer Lancaster Street Collection) MSA SC 5840.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Schaefer Letters) MSA SC 5850.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Schaefer Springhouse Lane Collection) MSA SC 5854.
Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Governor William Donald Schaefer Charlestown Collection) MSA SC 5966.
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