Volume 861, Page 269b View pdf image |
269 whose body here at this day he had ready to answer the af.d Peter Taylor of the af.d plea as to him it was Commanded And Whereupon the af.d Wonney McClemmy puts in his place William Arbuckle Gent Attorney at Law against the af.d Peter Taylor of the af.d plea Whereupon at the request of the parties af.d day is to them now here given in the plea af.d untill next Court to be held at dividing Creek the third Tuesday of June then next Following in the same state as at present saveing to the parties af.d &c Att Which day here before his Lordships Justices Came againe as well the af.d Peter Taylor as the af.d Wonney McClemmey by their Attorneys af.d and hereupon the said Peter Taylor Complained of the af.d Wonney McClemmey in the plea af.d in form Following Somerset ss Wonne McClemmy late of Somerset County planter was attached to answer unto Peter Taylor of a plea of trespass upon the Case &c And Whereupon the said Peter by Geo Douglas his Attorney Complains that whereas the said Peter is a good true and faithfull ^and peaceable^ subject of our Lord the King that now is ^and^ as such from his Nativity to this day himself hath peaceably behaved and governed and from all trespasses and other breaches of the peace free and Clear hath hitherto remained Nevertheless the said Wonne not Ignorant of the premisses of his mere wicked malice forethought wickedly plotting and malitiously intending the said Peter of his good name af.d to deprive and him the said Peter a grievous fine and forfeiture to the honourable the Lord proprietary of this province to Cause to make and imprisonment of his body to suffer on the first Tuesday of april Anno Dom MDCCXXXIX at the County before Henry Hooper Esq.r his Lordships Justice of Assize for the said County did falsely malitiously and devilishly and and without any probable Cause did Cause the said Peter to be indicted in manner and form Following Viz.t Somerset County ss The Jurors for the right honourable the Lord proprietary that now is for the body of Somerset County upon their oath do present that Peter Taylor late of Coventry parish in the said County of Somerset planter the twenty first day of December in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred thirty and six at the Court house at dividing Creek in the County af.d one Gray Coloured Gelding being the proper goods and Chattles of a Certain Robert Collier with force and arms unlawfully did take and imprison and the same Gelding so as af.d imprisoned being with force and arms did disfigure and from the tail of the same Gelding then and there the hair thereof did with force and arms unlawfully Cut of to the great damage of the said Robert Collier and Contrary to the peace of the said ^Lord^ proprietary his good rule and Government &.c Robert Jenckins Henry by means of which Indictment the said Peter afterwards to wit the same day and year last af.d at the County af.d was taken and arrested and by ^John Henry Gentleman then^ the sheriffe of the said in his safe Custody detained kept and imprisoned untill afterwards at a Court of the Right honourable the Lord proprietary of this province held for the said County at dividing Creeks in the County af.d on the third tuesday of November Anno Dom MDCCXXXiX before the worshipfull Robert King and his Associates his Lordships Justices the peace for the said County of Somerset to keep assigned on the said Indictment was Charged and aq arraigned and to the same pleaded and was thereon in a lawfull manner then and there tryed and acquitted by means whereof |
Volume 861, Page 269b View pdf image |
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