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Anne Arundel County Court Certificates of Freedom, 1831-1844
Volume 824, Page 333   View pdf image
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Sall aged about thirty one years about five feet three
Inches high yellow Complexion has a scar near the
Corner of the right eye and one under the right eye is the
Identical person manumitted by Polly Sappington
by deed dated the Eighteenth day of December in the
year Eighteen hundred and twenty two and that she
was raised in the County aforesaid
    Issued the 22d day of November 1841

    Maryland Anne Arundel County to wit
              I William S Green, Clerk of Anne Arundel County
Court do hereby Certify that it hath been proved to
my satisfaction that the bearer hereof named Horace
Toogood aged about twenty Eight years about five feet
five and a half Inches high dark Complexion has a
small scar on the forehead, and one on the left side of the
upper lip and a lump on the left wrist is one of the
persons manumitted by Benjamin Sewell by deed dated
the second day of august in the year Eighteen hundred
and ten to be free at the age of Twenty five years and
that he was raised in the County aforesaid
    Issued the 1 day of January 1842

    Maryland Anne Arundel County to wit:    I William S Green
Clerk of Anne Arundel County Court do hereby Certify that it hath
been proved to my satisfaction that the bearer hereof named
Lewis Maynard aged about twenty one years about five
feet Eight and a half Inches high, dark Complexion has a scar
on the left cheek and a large scar on the left leg was free
born and that he was raised in the County aforesaid
    Issued the 15 day of January 1842

    Maryland Anne Arundel County to wit
              I William S Green, Clerk of Anne Arundel County
Court do hereby Certify that it hath been proved to my
satisfaction that the bearer hereof named [illegible]
aged about twenty seven years about five feet six and a

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Anne Arundel County Court Certificates of Freedom, 1831-1844
Volume 824, Page 333   View pdf image
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