Ann Duke
Maryland Anne
Arundel County to wit
William S Green, Clerk of Anne
Arundel County Court do hereby Certify that it
hath been proved to my satisfaction that the bearer
hereof named Ann Duke aged about fifteen
years about five feet high black complexion has
a small Scar near the right corner of the
mouth and another on the little finger of the
left hand, was free born and that she was
raised in the County aforesaid
Issued the 31st day of may 1832
Mary Young
Maryland Anne
Arundel County to wit
William S Green, Clerk of Anne Arundel
County Court do hereby Certify that it hath been proved
to my satisfaction that the Bearer hereof named
Mary Young aged about twenty one years about
five feet high black complexion has a small
scar upon the left Cheek one on the back of the
neck and another on the right wrist was free
born and that she was raised in the County
Issued the 31st day of may 1832
Ann Hall
Maryland Anne
Arundel County to wit
William S Green, Clerk of Anne Arundel
County Court do hereby Certify that it hath been
proved to my satisfaction that the Bearer hereof named
Ann Hall aged about forty one years about five
feet three & a half inches high dark complexion
has a small scar in the left eye brow and two on
each of her arms is one of the persons manumitted
by Thomas Hall by deed dated the ^twenty^ seventh day
of November in the year of our Lord one thousand
Eight hundred and sixteen and that she was
raised in the County aforesaid
Issued the 31st day of may 1832