aged about 24 years about 5 feet
8 inches
in height of black complexion is free, has a
a scar on the right hand, & that she was raised
in the County aforesaid
Issued 2nd day of April 1846
Susan Queen
No. 75
Maryland &. &. &.
I Jos: H Nicholson clk A A Cy Court do certify
that ^it has been proved to my satisfaction that^ the Bearer hereof
named Susan Queen
aged about 17 years, about five feet
4 inches in height of dark complexion is free,
has a scar on the right arm & was raised in
the County aforesaid
Issued 2nd day of April 1846 |
Emmeline Brogden
No. 76
Maryland, &c. &c.
I Jos: H Nicholson clk A. A. Cy Court do
certify that Emmeline Brogden has been proved
to my satisfaction to be free. She is about
25 years old about 5 feet 4 inches in height
& of dark complexion & was raid raised in
the County aforesaid
Issued 2nd day of April 1846 |
Mary Thomas
No. 77
Maryland to wit &c &c
I Jos: H Nicholson clk A A Cy Court do certify
that it has been proved to my satisfaction that the
Bearer hereof Mary Thomas aged about
years about 5 feet 6½ inches in height of light
complexion was born free - no marks - & was
raised in the County aforesaid
Issued 2nd day of April 1846 |