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(2) If the Administration does not receive the certificate and application
within 30 days after delivery of the vehicle to the transferee, the Administration, in its
discretion, may assess the applicant with an additional service fee [of $5]
ESTABLISHED BY THE ADMINISTRATION for making the transfer of title.
(c) On receipt of the application, the Administration shall issue a corrected
certificate of title [without charge] FOR A FEE ESTABLISHED BY THE
(a) Unless excepted by § 13-201 of this subtitle, a security interest in a vehicle is
not valid against any creditor of the owner or any subsequent transferee or secured party
unless the security interest is perfected as provided in this subtitle.
(b) (1) A security interest is perfected by:
(i) Delivery to the Administration of every existing certificate of title
of the vehicle and an application for certificate of title on the form and containing the
information about the security interest that the Administration requires; and
(ii) Payment of a filing fee [of $12] ESTABLISHED BY THE
ADMINISTRATION, which is in addition to any other fees that apply under the
Maryland Vehicle Law.
(2) The security interest is perfected at the time of its creation, if the
delivery and payment to the Administration are completed within 10 days of the date of
its creation. Otherwise, the security interest is perfected at the time of the delivery and
[(a) The Administration shall deposit $3 of each filing fee received under this
subtitle in a special fund, to be used for the benefit of the counties of this State. The
Administration shall distribute annually to each county, on a date that the Administration
determines, that percentage of the fund which is equal to the ratio of the number of
vehicle registrations for the county, determined according to the addresses of the owners
of the vehicles, to the total number of vehicle registrations in this State.
(b)] The Administration shall deposit $6 of each filing fee received under this
subtitle in the General Fund.
(a) The Administration shall maintain an Assurance Fund and deposit in it that
part of the filing fees collected under this subtitle that is not credited to [any special
funds] THE GENERAL FUND under § 13-208 of this subtitle.
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