Martin O'Malley, Governor
Ch. 2
the Acts of 2007. as amended, to reflect the reduction made in subsection (b) of this
section and shall take the actions necessary to implement the reductions.
(d) The schedule submitted by the Governor to the Board of Public Works
shall identify savings of at least $7,600,000 $5.000.000 in general funds plus any
special or federal funds from salaries and wages in Comptroller objects other than
0152 (Health Insurance) and 0154 (Retiree Health Insurance") associated with the
abolished positions.
SECTION 11. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED. That notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the unexpended appropriations for the following purposes that
were included in the fiscal year 2008 operating budget (Chapter 487, Acts of 2007) are
reduced by the amounts indicated below and are hereby transferred to the State
General Fund:
2008 N00F
2008 T50T0103
Program Entitled Amount of Reduction General Funds
DHR Information Technology 1,000,000
Maryland Technology Development Corporation 3,000,000
SECTION 12. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding any
other provision of law, it is the intent of the General Assembly that in developing the
fiscal 2009 budget, the Governor consider the following recommendations for
reductions in general funds to slow the growth of the fiscal 2009 current services
baseline budget after the reductions made by the Board of Public Works in July 2007;
Program Entitled Amount of Reduction General Funds
D40W0112 Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit
M00L0103 Mental Hygiene Administration
M00Q Medical Care Programs Administration
MK000201 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration
N00F DHR - Information Technology
R00A0102 Maryland State Department of Education
R00A0207 MSDE Infants and Toddlers Program
R00A0115 MSDE - Juvenile Services Education Program
R00A03 R00A02 MSDE - North Bay
R30B00 University System of Maryland
T50T0103 Maryland Technology Development Corporation
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SECTION 13. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That it is the intent of the
General Assembly that the Governor provide funding for the following programs
through General Obligation bonds:
Program Entitled
D06E0201 Public Safety Communication System
H00C0101 State House repairs
Fiscal Year