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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 863   View pdf image
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Ch. 44
Martin O'Malley, Governor
(a) Each political party shall nominate or provide for the nomination of
candidates for presidential elector of the party in accordance with party rules. (b) The number of candidates nominated by each political party shall be the
number that this State is entitled to elect. (c) (1) The names of individuals nominated as candidates for presidential
elector by a political party shall be certified to the State Board by the presiding officers
of the political party. (2) The names of individuals nominated as candidates for presidential
elector by a candidate for President of the United States who is nominated by petition
shall be certified to the State Board by the candidate on a form prescribed by the State
Board. (3) The electors shall be certified to the State Board at least 30 days
before the general election. (d) if the number of presidential electors nominated is less
than or greater than the state's number of electoral votes,
presidential electors shall be nominated as provided for under Article III of § 8-5A-01 of this title. 8-504. (a) (1) At the general election for President and Vice President of the
United States there shall be elected, in accordance with subsection (b) of this section,
the number of presidential electors to which this State is entitled. (2) Presidential electors shall be elected [at large by the voters of the
entire State] under the procedure provided in § 8-5A-01 of this title. (b) (1) The names of the candidates for the office of presidential elector
may not be printed on the ballot. (2) A vote for the candidates for President and Vice President of a
political party shall be considered to be and counted as a vote for each of the
presidential electors of the political party nominated in accordance with § 8-503 of
this subtitle. 8-505. (a) (1) The individuals elected to the office of presidential elector shall
meet in the State House in the City of Annapolis on the day provided by the
Constitution and laws of the United States.
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 863   View pdf image
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