2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Definition and size limitation, provisions altered................................. 5474
Standards, provisions altered................................................................ 5478
Adequate Public Facilities -
Determination for proposed land development, provisions altered...... 5447
Period of validity and extension of determination, provisions altered;
temporary provisions repealed......................................................... 5470
Application for review of preliminary subdivision plans, evidence of
payment of fee, requirements added..................................................... 5482
Building line requirements, provisions altered........................................... 5476
C-2 Zone -
Commercial projects, site plan review requirements added................. 5480
Special development procedure to encourage transit related
development at sites within a Metro Station Policy Area outside a
Central Business District, provisions added.................................... 5471
Center Business Development (CBD) zone, minimum lot area
requirement and transfer of density, provisions altered........................ 5467
Corporate training centers, allowed as permitted use in Commercial,
Office Park (C-P) zone......................................................................... 5468
Display of furniture for sale, excluded as a home occupation................... 5482
Farm building supply and construction use allowed in the C-l zone........ 5475
Florist business, allowed in the Office Building, Moderate Density
(O-M) zone................1.......................................................................... 5478
Limited duration signs, permit requirements altered.................................. 5467
Minimum setback from the street for a corner lot under the moderately
priced dwelling unit (MPDU) optional development standards,
provisions added.................................................................................... 5474
Mixed-Use Town Center (MXTC) zone, provisions altered..................... 5473
Mixed—Use Town Center/Transferable Development Rights
(MXTC/TDR) zone, created................................................................. 5479
Off-street parking standards for lots reclassified from the R-200 zone to
the RE-1 zone, provisions altered......................................................... 5472
Planning Board action violations, Planning Board authorized to assign a
hearing examiner to conduct a public hearing and report on................ 5469
Preliminary Subdivision Plans -
Approval procedure, provisions altered................................................ 5470
Fees authorized for costs of review....................................................... 5463
Property located within or adjacent to a Central Business District,
classification in the Transit Station-Mixed (TS-M) or Transit
Station-Residential (TS-R) zones, provisions added........................... 5468
Real estate office, added as permitted use in C-l and C-2 zones............. 5481
Research and Development (R&D) zone, building materials and
supplies store added as permitted use; site plan review for standard
method development, requirements added............................................ 5466
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