2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Safety —
Anne Arundel County -
Property Maintenance Code, new code and supplement adopted.............. 5408
Baltimore County -
Building permit suspension or revocation, authorized when public
health or safety is endangered by lack of active construction.............. 5427
Surveillance devices at shopping center parking lots, application
expanded and certification of compliance provisions added................ 5414
Montgomery County -
Maryland Emergency Management Assistance Compact, adopted........... 5454
Off-the-road vehicles, driving restrictions, use of safety equipment,
public education, notice to customers by retailers, and enforcement
of requirements, provisions added........................................................ 5456
Prince George's County -
Fire Safety Code, generally amended to conform to international fire
safety standards; inspection fees and penalties, provisions altered;
carbon monoxide detectors, requirements added.................................. 5486
Wicomico County
Firearm discharge near a school, prohibition added................................... 5490
St. Mary's County —
Annexation.................................................................................................. 5544
General obligation bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, issuance,
sale, and redemption, provisions altered............................................... 5545
Water and sanitary sewer fees and charges, imposition authorized........... 5544
St. Michaels (Talbot County) —
Charter renumbered and revised...................................................................... 5559
Checks, drafts, and withdrawals on any account containing town funds,
authorization to sign, provisions altered..................................................... 5560
Commissioners, vacancy in office, provisions concerning term of office,
election of officers, quorum, and procedures for filling vacancy, altered.. 5560
General obligation borrowing authority, provisions altered............................ 5560
Purchasing procedures, provisions altered....................................................... 5561
Salaries —
Allegany County -
Compensation for public officials, provisions amended............................ 5377
Anne Arundel County -
Classified and exempt service, pay schedules, increases, allowances,
and bonuses, and education assistance for various personnel,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5404
- 5648 -