Martin O'Malley, Governor Q
Gifts from lobbyists, acceptance by county official or employee,
prohibitions added...................................................................................... 5391
Guest lodges and country inns, permitted accessory facilities for a rural
country club, provisions added................................................................... 5387
Lobbying requirements under the ethics law, provisions amended................. 5389
Millington -
Removal from office of member of council, provisions added.................. 5548
Special assessments, procedure, provisions added..................................... 5548
Write-in candidates, filing requirements added; cancellation of
uncontested election and certification of candidates, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5549
Public employees, including contractual and exempt service workers,
employment and benefit provisions amended; offices and personnel who
are State employees and not county employees, delineated....................... 5386
Public ethics, definition of "family member" altered; exemption provisions
amended...................................................................................................... 5388
Queenstown, annexation.................................................................................. 5556
Sanitary District charges, interest on unpaid charges, provisions altered........ 5387
Spray irrigation facilities utilized in the disposal of wastewater generated
by sewage treatment, use regulations added............................................... 5385
Queenstown (Queen Anne's County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5556
Racing —
Anne Arundel County -
Race tracks for horses, permitted conditional uses added.......................... 5397
Rates SEE Prices
Real Estate —
Montgomery County -
Real estate office, added as permitted use in C-l and C-2 zones............. 5481
Real Property —
Baltimore County
Investment property located in a Commercial Revitalization District that
has been abandoned, inspection and removal, provisions added.......... 5419
Prince George's County -
Real property sales contracts, disclosure that seller does not hold title to
the property, required wording in notice altered................................... 5484
Washington Grove, condemnation provisions altered..................................... 5566
Wicomico County -
Acquisition and disposition of county property, procedures established... 5491
Recordation —
Anne Arundel County -
Property Maintenance Code, new code and supplement adopted.............. 5408
- 5643 -