Martin O'Malley, Governor P
Ethics ordinance applicability to various boards, commissions, officials,
and employees, clarified........................................................................ 5389
Gifts from lobbyists, acceptance by county official or employee,
prohibitions added................................................................................. 5391
Public ethics, definition of "family member" altered; exemption
provisions amended............................................................................... 5388
Rock Hall, election provisions pertaining to polling hours, voter residency
requirements and registration, councilperson age qualification, election
law violations, and appeal of decision of Board of Supervisors of
Elections, altered......................................................................................... 5559
St. Michaels -
Authorization to sign checks, drafts, and withdrawals on any account
containing town funds, provisions altered............................................ 5560
Commissioners, vacancy in office, provisions concerning term of office,
election of officers, quorum, and procedures for filling vacancy,
altered.................................................................................................... 5560
Salisbury, Department of Finance replaced by Department of Internal
Services; Department of Procurement replaced by Division of
Procurement; position of director of procurement, provisions repealed.... 5562
Seat Pleasant, city clerk supervision, responsibility shifted from chief
administrative officer to city council.......................................................... 5564
Washington Grove -
Clerk-Treasurer duties, assignment to one or more employees of the
town, provisions altered........................................................................ 5567
Town meeting and election of town officials, day altered......................... 5567
Wicomico County -
Code references to duties delegated to the administrative director and
county council, generally revised to reflect deletion of position of
administrative director and the change to an elected executive form
of government....................................................................................... 5491
Willards, commissioners, expiration of term of office; swearing in of
newly-elected commissioners, provisions altered...................................... 5568
Public Safety SEE Safety
Public Schools —
Anne Arundel County -
Adequate public facilities for schools, length of time on waiting list,
termination date of provision extended................................................. 5399
Baltimore County -
Development projects, compliance of previously approved projects with
current law and current development procedural review process;
vesting; extension and expiration of plan approvals; and
recommendations regarding overcrowded school districts, provisions
altered and added................................................................................... 5415
Caroline County -
- 5641 -