2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Notification of county by developer, provisions altered....................... 5438
Time, place, and notice requirements, provisions altered..................... 5441
Smoking in public places and places of employment, prohibitions added. 5440
Millington, special assessments, procedure, provisions added........................ 5548
Montgomery County -
Off-the-road vehicles, driving restrictions, use of safety equipment,
public education, notice to customers by retailers, and enforcement
of requirements, provisions added........................................................ 5456
Public Officials —
SEE ALSO Comptroller; County Commissioners; County Councils;
County Executives; State's Attorneys; Treasurers
Allegany County
Compensation for public officials, provisions amended............................ 5377
Anne Arundel County -
County seal, individuals authorized to attest to, provisions clarified......... 5400
Barclay, audit of town financial books and accounts, authority to determine
manner and frequency, provisions altered.................................................. 5493
Brunswick, mayor and city council members, city residency requirement
altered; general conduct of elections, provisions altered; election clerks
and judges, election returns and certification, and coercion of voters,
provisions repealed..................................................................................... 5498
Chesapeake Beach -
Mayor, first day of taking office after election, provisions altered............ 5505
Town council, beginning day of term of office of members and day of
first meeting, provisions altered............................................................ 5505
Crisfield, city council meetings, open meetings requirements, provisions
altered.......................................................................................................... 5509
Cumberland, municipal office positions, exemption from classified service,
provisions altered........................................................................................ 5512
East New Market, mayor, election and term of office, provisions altered...... 5516
Easton, town manager and town finance officer, provisions added; town
clerk, provisions altered.............................................................................. 5516
Frederick -
Aldermen, salary altered............................................................................. 5532
Bonds, responsibility for safe-keeping and sale, provisions altered.......... 5521
Budget and purchasing, department of, created; director of budget and
purchasing, provisions altered............................................................... 5529
Checks for payment of municipal obligations, authority to issue and
sign, provisions altered.......................................................................... 5520
Chief Financial Officer-
Appointment, provisions repealed........................................................ 5519
Powers and duties, provisions repealed................................................ 5519
Provisions repealed............................................................................... 5528
Seal of the city, duties and responsibilities, provisions repealed.......... 5520
- 5638 -