Martin O'Malley, Governor M
Music SEE Art, Music and Cultural Affairs
Myersville (Frederick County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5551
Names —
Baltimore County
Workforce Development, Office of, name changed from Office of
Employment and Training..................................................................... 5430
National Guard SEE Militia
Natural Resources —
Prince George's County -
Purchase of Development Rights Program, established to permit
acquisition of conservation easements.................................................. 5485
Nonprofit Health Service Plans SEE Health Insurance
Nonprofit Organizations —
Montgomery County -
Nonprofit swim clubs, property tax credit provisions added..................... 5455
Nonpublic Schools SEE Private Schools
North East (Cecil County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5551
Notices —
Anne Arundel County
Cable Franchise Act, previous acts repealed and new act enacted............. 5407
County rights-of-way, permits for use for public works, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5406
Property Maintenance Code, new code and supplement adopted.............. 5408
Baltimore County -
Code enforcement, citations and correction notices and collection of
unpaid civil penalties, provisions altered.............................................. 5419
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Investment property located in a Commercial Revitalization District that
has been abandoned, inspection and removal, provisions added.......... 5419
Nonconforming use, termination by Zoning Commissioner, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5427
Recreational vehicle parking lot, permitted use zoning provisions added. 5426
Rental housing license program, pilot program area extended.................. 5418
Charles County -
Proposed new residential subdivision and commercial sites, public
notice, requirements added.................................................................... 5380
. Howard County-
Land use cases, posting of notice, requirements altered............................. 5442
- 5627 -