2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Property Maintenance Code for Rental Housing, revised edition
adopted; rental housing license requirements altered and inspection
and penalty provisions altered............................................................... 5444
Shared sewage disposal facilities, regulation and fees, provisions altered 5438
Prince George's County -
Fire Safety Code, generally amended to conform to international fire
safety standards; inspection fees and penalties, provisions altered;
carbon monoxide detectors, requirements added.................................. 5486
Insurance —
SEE ALSO Health Insurance
Baltimore County -
Other post-employment benefit fund for costs of health and life
insurance benefits for retired county employees, established............... 5420
Wicomico County -
Groundwater heat pump installers and on-site waste disposal installers,
bonding requirement, provisions repealed............................................ 5490
Interest —
College Park, general obligation bonds, sale provisions altered...................... 5507
Howard County
Shared sewage disposal facilities, regulation and fees, provisions altered 5438
Queen Anne's County -
Sanitary District charges, interest on unpaid charges, provisions altered.. 5387
Internet SEE Computers
Interstate Affairs —
Frederick, police cooperation, exchange of information, and mutual aid
agreements with other law enforcement agencies, provisions altered....... 5526
Montgomery County -
Maryland Emergency Management Assistance Compact, adopted........... 5454
Investments —
Baltimore County -
Investment property located in a Commercial Revitalization District that
has been abandoned, inspection and removal, provisions added.......... 5419
Other post-employment benefit fund for costs of health and life
insurance benefits for retired county employees, established............... 5420
Job Training —
Baltimore County -
Workforce Development, Office of, name changed from Office of
Employment and Training..................................................................... 5430
Worcester County -
Worcester Career & Technology Center, authority to issue general
obligation bonds to finance, provisions added...................................... 5395
Judges —