Martin O'Malley, Governor B
Picketing at funerals, prohibited....................................................................... 5417
Planned unit developments, residential density restrictions amended............. 5418
Political campaign signs, location, erection, and removal, provisions added
and altered................................................................................................... 5430
Recreational vehicle parking lot, permitted use zoning provisions added....... 5426
Recreational vehicles, parking or storing on any street in a residential zone,
prohibited.................................................................................................... 5423
Rental housing license program, pilot program area extended........................ 5418
Residential performance standards, adoption of manual of regulations to
implement, authorized................................................................................ 5424
Revenue Stabilization Reserve Account, transfer of funds to, provisions
altered.......................................................................................................... 5422
Service garages, added as permitted use in M.L.R. Zone................................ 5429
Surveillance devices at shopping center parking lots, application expanded
and certification of compliance provisions added...................................... 5414
Tattoo or body piercing establishments, zoning restriction exception added.. 5419
Tax credit applications under programs for historic restoration and
rehabilitation tax credit, revitalization property tax credit, or tax credit
for damage due to Hurricane Isabel, reason for denial and deadline for
denial or approval, requirements added...................................................... 5415
Television studio, added as permitted use in the O.T. (Office and
Technology) Zone and in the definition of "research park"....................... 5428
Towson C.T. District to which C.T. District special regulations are
applicable, expanded................................................................................... 5413
Workforce Development, Office of, name changed from Office of
Employment and Training.....................................................'..................... 5430
Barclay (Queen Anne's County) —
Audit of town financial books and accounts, authority to determine manner
and frequency, provisions altered............................................................... 5493
Bed and Breakfast Establishments SEE Hotels and Motels
Betterton (Kent County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5494
Billboards SEE Signs and Billboards
Bills SEE Legislation
Biotechnology SEE Industry and Technology
Birds —
Baltimore County -
Bird sanctuary established.......................................................................... 5414
Boards SEE Committees and Commissions
Body Piercing SEE Tattoos and Body Piercing
Bonds —
SEE ALSO County and Baltimore City Bonds
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