2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
County rights-of-way, permits for use for public works, provisions altered.. 5406
County seal, individuals authorized to attest to, provisions clarified.............. 5400
Criminal penalties for Code violations, provisions clarified........................... 5405
Disability Issues, Commission on, established................................................ 5407
Electrical permits, fees revised......................................................................... 5404
Fire Prevention Code, new code and amendments adopted; fire prevention
provisions revised....................................................................................... 5411
Homeowners property tax credit, calculation of total real property tax and
combined income for purposes of the local supplement, provisions
altered.......................................................................................................... 5403
Master Plan for Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, 2003 update, service
level categories revised............................................................................... 5397
Outdoor shelters for animals other than dogs, provisions altered; food and
water for dogs, provisions added................................................................ 5410
Property Maintenance Code, new code and supplement adopted.................... 5408
Public roads, petition for return to private ownership for use as private
roads, provisions altered............................................................................. 5400
Race tracks for horses, permitted conditional uses added................................ 5397
Scenic and historic roads, use restrictions added; "Scenic and Historic
Rural Roads, 2006", map adopted.............................................................. 5398
Scenic or historic road, definition altered; scenic or historic rural road,
definition and use restrictions added; official map entitled "Scenic and
Historic Roads, 2006", amended................................................................ 5401
Shore Erosion Control Districts, procedures established for amendment,
modification, and dissolution; Waterway Improvement Districts,
procedures established for amendment and modification.......................... 5398
Shoreham Beach Special Community Benefit District, purpose and tax rate,
provisions altered........................................................................................ 5397
Snug Harbor Waterways Improvement District, limits modified.................... 5408
Solicitation of money or donations by a minor in a roadway, median, or
intersection, prohibited............................................................................... 5410
Stun guns or electronic weapons, possession and use permitted by law
enforcement officers in the line of duty, provisions added........................ 5401
Subdivision and development and zoning, scope and applicability of Code
provisions altered to except land leased and developed by the County or
Board of Education and certain pending and future proceedings............... 5406
Tanning salons, added as auxiliary use in C2-Commercial Office Districts... ' 5403
Taxicabs, rates and ride sharing provisions altered; permanent gasoline
surcharge provisions repealed; temporary gasoline surcharge provisions
added........................................................................................................... 5405
Veterans Affairs Commission, established...................................................... 5402
Water and wastewater charges based on equivalent dwelling units,
recalculation of the number of equivalent dwelling units, provisions
altered.......................................................................................................... 5399
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