Municipal Charters
2007 Laws of Maryland
[Section C-401 of the Charter of the Town of Chesapeake Beach, Calvert County,
as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal Charters
(1990 Replacement Edition and 2005 Supplement), repealed and reenacted, with
Effective Date May 4, 2007]
(Cecil County)
Annexation Resolution
Resolution No.: 3-2-06
RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Chesapeake City,
Maryland, adopted pursuant to the authority of Article XI-E of the Constitution of the
State of Maryland and Section 19 of Article 23 A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, for
the enlargement of the corporate boundaries of the Town of Chesapeake City by the
annexation of certain land contiguous to and adjoining the existing corporate area.
(2.4622 acres of land, more or less)
[Pursuant to Section 26-1 of the Charter of the Town of Chesapeake City, Cecil
County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal
Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 2005 Supplement).
Effective Date June 8, 2006]
Annexation Resolution
Resolution No.: 5-1-06
RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Chesapeake City,
Maryland, adopted pursuant to the authority of Article XI-E of the Constitution of the
State of Maryland and Section 19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, for
the enlargement of the corporate boundaries of the Town of Chesapeake City by the
annexation of certain land contiguous to and adjoining the existing corporate area.
[Pursuant to Section 26-1 of the Charter of the Town of Chesapeake City, Cecil
County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal
Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 2005 Supplement).
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