County Local Laws
2007 Laws of Maryland
Bill No. 2006-2
AN ACT to add Chapter 130, titled "Development Impact Fees", to the Wicomico
County Code, establishing procedures for the imposition, calculation, collection,
expenditure and administration of Development Impact Fees to be imposed on new
residential development; and setting a Public School Development Impact Fee amount.
Bill No. 2006-3
AN ACT to amend Chapter 174 of the Wicomico County Code, titled
"Nuisances," by adding Section 174-6, entitled "Firearms," prohibiting the discharge of
firearms within 1,000 feet of a school.
Bill No. 2006-4
AN ACT to amend Chapter 158 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Hazardous
Materials" Section 158-6, titled "Collection and Disbursement of Funds For Cost
Recovery," to allow responding agencies ten (10) calendar days to send an invoice and
supporting documentation identifying eligible costs to the Wicomico County Department
of Emergency Services.
Bill No. 2006-5
AN ACT to amend Section 183-30 of Chapter 183 of the Wicomico County Code,
entitled "Plumbing", to eliminate the requirement to provide a $5,000 sewage bond.
Bill No. 2006-8
AN ACT to amend Sections 133-6 and 133-7 of Chapter 133 of the Wicomico
County Code, titled "Dogs and Other Animals," to establish time limits within which
owners of potentially dangerous dogs must comply with the requirements set forth in the
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