2007 Laws of Maryland
County Local Laws
Bill 06-8
AN ACT Concerning
Zoning - Height Limitations for Mobile Homes
For the purpose of amending the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article to permit
mobile homes to be greater than one story under certain circumstances.
[§§ ZS 1-311(a)(9), ZS 1-311(b)(4), ZS 1-311(d)(2) and (4), ZS 1-311(e)(1)E and H, ZS
1-311(e)(2)A.4(ii), and ZS 1-311(e)(3)A.4 of the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester County, Maryland - amended]
Emergency Bill 06-9
AN ACT Concerning
Zoning - Height of Accessory Structures
For the purpose of amending the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article to permit
residential accessory structures to exceed one story or fifteen feet in height by special
[§ ZS l-304(n)(1) of the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Worcester County, Maryland - amended]
Bill 06-10
AN ACT Concerning
Zoning - Sewage Sludge Areas
For the purpose of amending the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article to revise the
requirements for sewage sludge storage, composting and disposal areas.
[§ ZS 1-103(b) - Definitions of the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Worcester County, Maryland - amended, §§ ZS 1-201(c)(44)
and ZS 1-318(d) of the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Worcester County, Maryland - amended, § ZS 1-318(e)(1) through (e)(5)
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