H.B. 1434 2007 Vetoed Bills and Messages
affidavit stating without qualification that the candidate is not and does not intend to
become a candidate for the office in the Maryland primary election.
(d) A candidate who seeks to be placed on the ballot by the petition process
specified in subsection (b)(2) of this section shall file the petition, in the form
prescribed by the State Board, [as follows:
(1) for candidates for the nomination of the Democratic Party, not
later than 5 p.m. on the day that is 1 week later than the first business day of the year
of the election: and
(2) for candidates for the nomination of any other principal political
party, at least] ON THE MONDAY THAT IS 70 days before the day of the election.
(e) The State Board shall establish a procedure for the Democratic
presidential primary through which votes may be cast as uncommitted to any
presidential candidate.
(f) The names of the candidates for President qualifying under this section
shall be certified to the local boards by the State Board and shall be printed on all
ballots used for the primary election.
(a) Subject to other provisions of this subtitle, a campaign finance entity
shall file campaign finance reports as follows:
(1) except for a ballot issue committee, on or before the fourth Tuesday
immediately preceding [a] EACH primary election EXCEPT A PRESIDENTIAL
(2) except for a ballot issue committee, on or before the second Friday
immediately preceding a primary election:
(3) on or before the second Friday immediately preceding a general
election: and
(4) on or before the third Tuesday after a general election.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 2007.
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